Sunday, September 15, 2013

you WONT believe what site i just found!

okay so i was just looking around on the internet as usual, bored out of my mind and wanting to read something. i typed in something on the lines of "good manga site" and then found a weird sounding site.
that site, was called
at first i thought it would be like all manga sites with the usual popular japanese manga and yaio and such. but then i started looking into it and found it had more than just that.
this site make's it so people who write and create mangas and comics can display their works and if they are good enough, get paid. honestly is the home of top quality original manga and comics. 
its truly amazing.
at first i was skeptical. a site where any artist (good or bad) can upload their own works? sounded too much like deviant art to me. but then i actually got into it and reading some of them and discovered how amazing they all were. even if i wasnt a fan of the art i was intrigued by the story. i dont know about you but when i find a good story i hang on tight and enjoy myself.
for example,
one of my personal favorite comics here is todd allison and the petunia violet.
my personal though when i began this was, "aw frick im gonna get addicted." and i was right.
i love how nozmo,the creator, combined the 30's and crime novel sort of feeling. but the really cool part is it sortve talks about the criminals and the detectives. the good and the bad. the characters and the twists and turns....gosh it kills you and thrills you. anyways my point is that you should totally check it out.
go now and forever read and obsess over these my darlings!

Friday, June 8, 2012

organic essay RD

Did you know heating food in plastic is bad for you? Not only that but so is BPA, it lines your canned foods, your receipts, and old and cheap plastic containers have it (thus the reason its bad for you microwaving food in it).  BPA (biphenyl A) is a chemical that causes cancer and premature puberty.  It’s really nasty stuff, but because the US makes so much of it we’re having a difficult time in stopping using it.
So no my mom either has glass containers or non-BPA plastic to store our food in, and we’ve cut down on how much canned food we eat.
GMO, genetically modified organisms, are in everything we eat and even other stuff too.
 Do you really want to eat an apple with GMO in it? It doesn’t mean the apple can talk or anything but that it doesn’t attract bugs so much and is 2x bigger then organic apples.

Pesticides are used on just about every plant out there, and it runs into our water systems and then it gets into our animals too.  (For example, they use some pesticides to make the animals really fact and grow faster, therefore making the meat taste not as well as free land (?) animals. They also coop them up in really tight places, to make them even fatter! L)

Food coloring is fun during Easter right?
But did you know that food coloring not made from organic food sources like veggies and fruits can cause cancer?  Red 40 is a big one-it’s in so much of our food, even stuff that doesn’t need to be red!  A lot of kids’ candy has red 40 in it-so every time you eat fruit loops or licorice you’re putting cancer causing stuff into your body. You might as well be telling the grim reaper to make a early trip!

People with health issues, like some of my family members, can have adverse reactions to all of the above as well.  So, my Mom decided about 2 years ago to start having our family eat healthier.  So now we eat about 60% organic food-her goal is to have it be 90% by 2013. But it’s very very expensive, so she’s starting with the things that are the most harmful to us (BPA free stuff, non GMO cereals that are organic, non RBST organic milk) and tries to get mostly organic veggies and fruits. It gets hard sometimes because I love Kit Kats and other sweets. But I have to agree on one thing, organic dark chocolate is the best!!!! I also like the nuts because it doesn’t taste too salty and doesn’t have all these weird ingredients. I also make sweets with organic materials. It’s nice to get a taste of how they did it back then without all this crap we have to day right? I encourage everyone I can to eat organically, cause it also helps you learn to be more careful. I hope you take these words by heart and eat organically! Monica.

Thursday, June 7, 2012
i walk
i stop
i run
i spin
i stop
i jump
i spin
this was a great day

free soul
anima libra
the words flow out
before i can stop them
anima libra
my friends go out
before i can stop them
am i truly a free soul?
someday i will die.
someday no one will remember me
someday i will be a writer
someday ill be a mother
someday i will love 
and someday will come.
things that are not said
will breack my heart in two but
as long as i am with you
i will be as fine as rain.

love is running away
hate is in persuit
feelings hide me!

i believe in the taste of food
the icing melting on my tongue
the chocolate swirling around me with love
the moist and fluffy cake
the yellow cake which makes my heart sing and my belly big

the way people lie and cheat and hurt other people is not accepted by me.

i believe that there is always a tomorrow.
i believe the pine forest and the trees leaves
i believe in miracles, because it is a miracle that i am even here!

and i believe that i can trust you and that we will have the greatest memories in this life.