Wednesday, January 18, 2012

the story..... journal entries

I'm of course very busy and have a lot of people to take away and bring them to either the heavens, or to hell. But I do find myself having a little bit of extra time. So I've decided to start writing this journal. I still think this may be dangerous, but I don’t have anything else to do.
Today started like any other day. Someone died in a car crash. Bring them to heaven. Someone got murdered. Bring them to heaven. Criminal died in jail. Bring them to questioning.  If they are guilty enough go to hell. Say hi to Satan. Bring murdered girl to heaven. Say hi to Jesus. Bring murderer to questioning. Bring them to hell.
Just me and a bunch of dead people.
I sighed and looked up at the setting sky. It was in the middle of winter I believe. The air was frigid and stormy clouds were surrounding the sky almost covering up the sunset. It was my favorite time in all the twenty-four hours of this place. Between night and day.  Though the days were shorter so I didn't get to see this often. I was right next to a hospital, which was typical for me since hospitals had so many of the dead and dying. I sighed and looked into the book of death. It was a book that I had to keep safe at all times. If any human got their hands on it…. Well, lets just assume that there would be chaos and destruction.
I stared at all of the names in there. Most of them were either white or black. But there was one that was blood red.
Jerry Eisenhower Harold.
I stood up and closed the book.
I turned and walked up into the air. One of many tricks I have up my sleeves. I looked into the window. Some curtains were in the way so I couldn’t see if anyone was in there. Oh well. No one could see me anyways. I walked in through the wall and window and saw him. He was an old man in his 50's. I sighed. I really did hate my job. I touched his arm softly as if not to disturb him in his silent slumber. He breathed in his last breathed and slowly but surely his soul seeped through. I tried to grab it but for some reason he wouldn’t let me. He kept trying to get away from me. Finally I got a hold of him and stuffed him in a bottle. I shook my head sighing. Sometimes I didn't understand humans. I was just about to leave when suddenly I saw her.
She was a little girl looking about 6 or 7. Usually I would ignore looking at other humans but for some reason she was staring at me. I stared back confused. Her red orange hair was straight at the top and then had elegant curls on the bottom. Her face was heart shaped with full high arched lips and a cute turned up nose. Her unusually bright green eyes stared at me. At me the supposedly invisible guy. We stood there staring at each other. 
I felt something in my chest, like my heart was being dragged toward her. I felt as if some unknown force was making me want to go closer to her….
Then as if reminding me where I was the door opened. I quickly turned and went outside. And then for some strange reason I ran.
I never had to run from anything before, I was supposed to be invisible so why should I? But, Some part of me screamed to run. 
Run far away from the hospital.
From that girl. 
From that unknown bittersweet feeling…
I didn't stop until I was 100 miles away.
Sweat sleeked down my face. I breathed in heavily my thoughts racing through my head.
How could she see me?
What was she doing there?
No one could see me, god said so himself… so how could she?
She's just a child!
Why am I so worried about this?
Why is it that I can’t stop thinking about her?
The last thought stopped all the others. It seemed to stop time itself. All I could see was her gorgeous face looking at me not in fear but of curiosity and surprise. I thought of how her hair shaped her face perfectly and the way she stood…
She was just a child!
But he still couldn’t get her out of his head. He stood there for a moment, back against a stonewall with ivies wrapping around it, like a python with its prey.  Then out of nowhere he started laughing. 
"Oh god whets wrong with me? Why am I so worried? Its not like we are ever going to meet again…”
But he knew he was only saying this to reassure himself. Then he smiled sadly and said
"Besides…. Death is not allowed to love… right?"
He looked up at the night sky and closed his eyes.
If only…. 
If only I could love….
If only I could hold you….
If only you knew me….
If only I knew you….
If only I could love you….
If only you could love me….
If only I didn't have to bring you to your deathbed…

If only indeed.
It was like any other day.
Brought the dead to heaven and hell.
Ended someone's life.
But then… I met her.
Now what am I to do?

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