Wednesday, February 22, 2012

journal entry: ...RaNdOm

A guy was running toward a girl.
The girl was sitting on a park bench.
The guy ran toward her very fast.
The girl kept reading.
The guy jumped into the air.
The girl read on.
The guy was a foot away from landing on her…
The girl scoots over to the left.
The guy lands on the park bench.
“KELLY!!!!!” tom roared as he stormed up the stairs.
Tom entered Kelly’s room, having to take a minute outside her doorway to cough and weez. He took in a deep breath and went back to the doorway. His eyes watered. Inside the room was pink. Nothing else. Pink floors, pink walls, pink light, pink drapes, pink stuffed animals, pink pillows, pink bed, pink drawers, pink clothes, even the windows were tinted with pink. 
“WHERE IS IT???” he screamed. He knew she had it. She would be the only one to take it, since she was the only one who knew about it. Kelly glared at him flipping back her pink hair.
“Where is what?” she said a little to innocently.
“You know what… only you do.” he growled staring at her with a deathly look. She smiled and replied while putting her hands to her hips.
“Oh you mean your-“
she couldn’t finish her sentence because tom had hit her square in the face with a pillow. He glared at her.
“Shush!!! You know your not supposed to talk about… IT…” tom looked around nervously.
“Oh stop looking like a trapped animal. I know where it is…” tom looked excited “but I wont tell you unless you tell me something…”
“What? Ill tell you anything!!!”
Kelly smiled. Of course you do tom…. Of course you do. Kelly smiled and prowled toward him.
“Oh its something so simple even you should know the answer,…” she cooed as she shut the door and grabbed his shoulders. She put her lips to his ear. Tom was getting annoyed. What could she possibly want to know from him?
“Where is my bun-bun.”
Tom immediately tensed up. Oh no.
“I-I don’t know…”
She spun him around gave him a menacing look.
“You’re the only one who knows I still have bun-bun!!! You HAVE to know where she is!!!”
“ well your the only one who knows where my ring is!!!”
both Kelly and tom slowly turn to see their father. He held up a worn out white bunny, and a diamond ring with sapphires around it. They both gasped and looked nervous.
“what is the meaning of these?”
Kelly and tom looked nervously at eachother. Then they looked devious. They smiled evily at their father.
“I don’t know what your talking about dad…” Kelly said sweetly.
“like we don’t know about your little… what is the phrase… ‘midnight snack’ at cold stone…”
their father paled. He was supposed to be going on a diet and their mother would be furious if she found out. He looked up and down the hall and leaned in.
“how about this be our little secret ok?”
Kelly and tom smiled.

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