Monday, October 17, 2011

13th entry: what is youre favorite movie? what is it about?

my favorite movie is the princess bride. i love it so much!
ok so this is what the story is about.....
girl name buttercup picks on guy she thinks she hates but ends up loving him.
guy keeps saying as you wish meaning i love you!!!!
she finds out kisses him and then they realize that hes a farm boy.
so he goes out to sea to seek his fortune.
he dies after a few weeks by the dread pirate roberts.
buttercup is depressed and would not love again she swore.
she ends up engaged to prince humperdink but doesnt love him.
she gets kidnapped by a giant who rhymes, a vengfull swordsman and a midget who says "inconcible!" a lot.
there followed by a nionja pirate who beats all of them.
buttercups groom to be goes after her.
she finds out that the amazing pirate ninja is westley.
they kiss and then go to the fire swamp.
they pass fire shoots , dry quicksand and rus's (rodents of unuasual size.) and finally make it out.
her prince meets them and tells his men to put him beck to his ship.
but instead he ends up in a torture chamber.
buttercup gets mad at the prince and says she will never marry him.
he trys to prusuade her that she should wait and see if he saves her.
while she waits though the giant and swords man try to find westley.
but when they find him its too late.
he is dead.
they take him to miracle max who gives them a pill to revive him.
instead of waiting like they were told they give him the pill and then find that he cant move.
they go through the gate and find the six fingered man (the one who killed the swordsmans father. he has been looking for revenge for a while.)
they fight but westley goes somewhere else.
meanwhile buttercup goes to her room and gets ready to kill herself. for she did marry him.
westley turns out is in her bed and begs her not to. they kiss and then are inturupted by humpertink.
he gets frightened when he sees him stand and does what hes ask.
swordsman got revenge and giant was happy to help.
buttercup and westley kiss and then ride off to the sunset.

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