Wednesday, November 23, 2011

21 post: creative story

Leanne didn’t understand what exactly was going on, but she didn’t like it either way. Her mother had taken her to her grandparents where she was to wait for her while she had a little ‘chit chat’ with her aunt Margaret. She never did like her aunt. She had a long pointed nose that was ,it seemed, to be always stuck up in the air.she had glare stuck onto her face. Her lips were thin and were always twisted into disgust, as if nothing could please her. Her eyes were the thing that made Leanne certain though, that she never, ever, would agree with or like the women. They were the color of rotten squash and always had a most haunting look to them. They always stared , it seemed, into your soul, and could see all your faults. Her mother though, being a kind and gentle woman, excepted everything of the woman. She always invited her to tea, picnics, and even to Leanne's birthday. But she always declined. Never once had she excepted an invitation, She didn't even bother giving an excuse.
She didn't understand though why her mother wanted to speak to the woman now. Though her mother was kind hearted she did not talk to her aunt very much at all. They always had short quick discussions. But they avoided each other as much as they could. Leanne sighed and sat down looking at the tea room they had disappeared to. Whe wondered what on earth they could be talking about...
" Miss Leanne? I said would you like some tea?"
Leanne quickly got out of her trance and looked up. Maria Lockeheart stood before her, looking down at her with concern. She smiled. It was alway's nice to see an old friend. Maria Lockeheart had long curly brown hair that turned into a gorgeous FIRERY red in the sun light. And her eyes, oh how they shined! They had a mixture of brown green and stormy blue. It was sad though, that she was a maid. if Maria had been raised properlly and had clean clothing that wasent in patches....  
Leanne shook her head and smiled. It doesn't matter though. she knew everything about Leanne. Leanne could even say she knew her better than she did!
Leanne smiled.
"How are you Maria? How is your family? Oh you must tell me everything! its been so long...."
Leanne stopped herself. It had been a long time.

i will continue in the next post.

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