Wednesday, November 23, 2011

22: creative story continue.

Leanne did not realize that it had been 4 years,since.....
Leanne tried to shake the memory out of her head. that was a terrible year. Leanne smiled up at Maria and asked if she could get some tea. Maria smiled and said of course, but it was obvious she was worried about her. Before Maria disappeared through the secret door for maids, she glanced over at Leanne. Leanne smiled but then let it drop when Maria was out of sight. How many years would it take for her to forget the memories of that day? She dropped her face into her hands feeling the unwelcomed tears going slowly down her cheeks. She use to try to make herself stop, but that had only made things worse. She would cry longer and sob harder. It was terrible. But now that Leanne knew this fact she had decided it was best to wait it out and let them come. She sat up straighter and found herself staring at a girl from across the room. 
The girl had blond waves of hair that captured every light source to make it shine. She had an a heart shaped face that was almost disappearing in her long hair. Tears ran down from her huge silver eyes that were specked with gold. Her lips were high arched and full. The girl wore a black and red ruffled dress. She stared back at me, this girl, and smiled.
" I guess its just you and me." We both said in harmony.
Leanne sighed and sat back into my chair. Leanne stared up at the angels above on the ceiling. She never understood why her grandparents had kept them up there. The rest of the house was plain except this room.
It had beautiful paintings and furniture.... though it was odd to find it all in a guest room. When she had asked them why they just smiled and said simply and blunt
" Oh you'll know soon enough....."
I still didn't understand. I gave up when i was a small child. 

continue on the next post....

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