Saturday, April 28, 2012

the reason why: i dont like my mom at times

homosexuals are DUMB!!!! really really REALLY getting tired of seeing these idiots on every page of news....and now they're attacking BYU as well. what jerks they're all narcisstic, selfish, self absorbed, attention whoring, sinful, ugly, mean JERKS! librerals love 'em, democrats worship them & all the politically correct media out there are falling all over themselves to get these buttheads to like them!!! UGH!!!! they're as bad as murderous pro-abortion baby killers!!! dumb dumb dumb!!! I know that a lot of you out there that may read this will think I'm being hateful, a bully, unChristian, mean etc but here's the point I'm trying to make: if someone is a pedophile, do you think society should kmow asbout it,accept it, not think of it as a sin or even bad, force everyone else who hates it to accept it, call anyone who dislikes it a bully and hateful? NO, of course not right? well, homosexuals and pedophiles are the same thing they both have a deviant sexual preference something that goes against God's laws, and frankly against all that's good in the world these jerks are ruining our great nation with their horrible agenda to take away our freedoms, to make us all "accept" their deviance and to ruin marraige and the family unit! the devil is laughing his butt off at all of you politically corredt morons who thnk being "gay" is ok! you've fallen into his trap!!! I have known plenty of homosexuals-I have an ex that's one-and they are ALL jerks! they're selfish, attention grabbing, in-your-face rude idiots! I have never met a "nice" homosexual know why? because they have something WRONG with them!! their brains are wrong! I will do everything in my power to protect my kids from the sinful, deviant, horrible agenda of the homosexual deviancies! if that means I have to move to another country where these idiots haven't invaded, then so be it! God bless all-even those who choose not to follow His laws! you can love someone as a fellow child of God but not like what they're doing! ugh, I cannot wait for the politicians to fall into the ocean! I really despise voting season-it's really annoying. I mean, having to basically vote for the lesser of two old evil rich idiot MEN is really getting on my nerves. I like Romney, as a person, but I have to seriously consider him insane to want to be president. I mean, who really wants to be in this mess? But then I think "well, maybe he really just wants to do right by the USA, return it to it's glory and thereby glorify our God" So, thinking the best-and NOT listening to media, this is what I've decided: I'm gonna vote Romeny, and pray enough other people do as well that we can get that idiot moron in office at the present OUT of there! We need a Mormon president, not a moron!!! That's my political rant..... Abortion is murder!! - Gianna Jessen is an amazing woman!! * The two Youtube videos that I used to have on here were removed! Why? Because Youtube is fine with posting porn and all other filth on it's website, but not opinions and free speech blogs about abortion! I will no longer support Youtube, if I'm able, through any media! satan is taking over people-pay attention!!!! ****** My rant: Yes, I'm an opinionated mother of 10-so it's no surprise that I am VERY prolife Anyone who thinks that abortion is ok, who is "prochoice" is EVIL, has turned their backs on Jesus and let go of their light of Christ. I have one thing to say to Planned parenthood and those who think Roe v Wade is just a way for women to control their "reproductive rights" SHAME ON YOU! May God, your maker, forgive you ******* It's a CHILD,not a 'choice'-you made the choice when you did the deed that created that innocent baby! Killing an innocent child is not birth control Everyone needs to return to the way GOD set it up-sex after marraige, then this "debate" would be over! 
ladies and gentlemen my mother... 
not that she cares that her children have homosexual friends or anything. 
sometimes my mom needs to just not talk. 
i know shes had trouble with gay people and stuff but she has NO RIGHT to put a label on every gay person just because of their attraction is different from hers and other " normal " people. 
and anyways whats the definition of normal? 
what IS it even? 
i say its when someone needs an excuse so they can be putting a label on others. 
wake up and smell the freaking gummy bears! 
there is NO SUCH THING AS " NORMAL ". 
if there was then we would still be in the caves staring at the fire and hunting animals and eating the meat raw. 
so don't even dare say gay people need to be like " normal "!

your everythng

 my heart is a stone
my soul is a grave
your everything i want
i everything i need
i try to hide
these feelings i have
fo-or you
but it cant be true
because if i love you
then i have to try
and bury it away

my heart is a stone
my soul is a grave
your everything i want
your everything i need
but im not good enough
to have you
or even be around you

i try every day
to give you what you need
everything you deserve
is whatever you want
but i cant control
this feeling anymore

my heart is a stone
my soul is a grave
your everything i want
your everything i need
but im not good enough
to have you
or even be around you

your everything i want
your everything i need
my heart is a stone
and my soul is a gra--aaave

Friday, April 27, 2012

journal: ????

i feel my eyes slowly open and close. wait. my eyes fly open as i find myself under water.i am floating under water, i don't know how long i have been under, but i feel my chest burn. i need air. i claw frantically to the surface. i find myself above the water and take a deep breath. i then remember what happened. 
i am standing at the edge of a cliff. tears stream don my face, the wind cold against my skin. i see me running for someone. i reach out wanting them. but they smile, and i disappear. i am in utter darkness. i stand looking everywhere for the person. where am i ? i scream there is no one i am alone. i am afraid. i close my eyes, and start to turn in the darkness. there is a light and i look up.i see another person. they smile and open their hand. i grab their hand and see their face. i let go. i fall . both into the darkness and off the cliff. i open my eyes.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

journal: ACMA

so today i shadowed at acma.  I'm still shadowing actually and am right next to Cassie, my guide and best friend. so far I'm seeing that this school is full of psychotic random and mentally disturbed people. a perfect fit for someone like me and Cassie. but it still doesn't hurt that I'm having to leave Terra nova.... it hurts but i have to move on. it's exactly like when me and my brother and sister had to move around because of our parents. you can wish on as many shooting star's but it doesn't mean your wish will ever come true. truth hurt's, but you need to hear it. i learned this the hard way. but at least i learned it. i met one of Cassie's "worshipers". his name is will. hes gay. and very nice :) .
i met her other worshiper. i don't quite now his name but he seems to be a nice guy too. i don't know if hes gay or not though. I'm guessing no. the bad thing about these two individuals is that i told them about my dad. i cant believe i told them! I'm supposed to be i control and tell no one i don't know or don't like at a safe distance. i don't know what is happening, but i don't like it. i have been out of control way too often and i need to put a stop to it.
well I'm gonna go and be a troll and bug Cassie.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

more journal 4...

so as i was saying before, i have been trying to make a animation, with no succes :|
the link above this is the video. watch all of it O.o and you will understand my pain. 
dont, you wont get it  -.-' 
but anyways i really hate/love this video! DX< 
oh well.... :|

journal 4: GRAWR!!!!

so ive been wanting to do an animation for a very long time...
but i just cant do it!!!!
it always ends up like this:!
gaaaaaaah! i hate it so much! i want to do the full thing and stuff but i cant find anything that would help.... and i wouldnt have to have a base if i had a bamboo! (a bamboo is a drawing pad that connects to to the computer.... so you can draw on there and make it look awsome :P ) but i dont so i have to deal with a mouse >:(
i dont like using a mouse cause i cant get it exactley how i want them to be!
usually i wouldnt complain about this on blogger but my mom saw my report card.... ouch. and oh well.... at least i can talk about it on my blog... and i at least have something to write. well im done with subject...
i think ill do a current event.... my mum said something about an article about how the food people are the ones who were lawers for the genetic people. oh to dinner then back to writing i guess...
see ya!

journal 3: spins through reality

spinning in a circle
what am i going to do?
don't wanna see reality
but the adults keep shouting
"if you don't stop now,
you wont be able to see
the truth from the lies."
but i spin on and on
reality and time wont ever catch me!

i'm the one who doesn't listen to reason
i'm the one who laughs at despair
i'm the one who spins in a circle,

i am now barely fifteen
and i'm still spinning
ill never tire and ill never stop
but then i did
it was only one moment
only one moment
but i stopped to see you watching me
i smiled and kept spinning
my world collapsed that day
my ears are bleeding
hearing truth and lies
i'm hurting inside
could this be reality?
you stand and a smile cracks
onto your crazed face
you weren't the person i thought you were

i'm the one who doesn't listen to reason
i'm the one who laughs at despair
i'm the one who spins in a circle,

this is the end.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

journal 2: FLIPPPY!!!
here is one of my flipppy's i have made! take a look at all of them! :D  
(Kate, don't look at them if your at school cause its connected to Facebook soooo.... yeah the school computers probably wont let you go in the first place....)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

journal 1: quotes of the day APR, 21, 2012

quotes from: Jeff 


"so your just gonna sit there and write and do nothing? thanks mo... THANKS A LOT..." 

"you could ask mo... but she's being LAZY and writing and sitting around..." 
Jeff to Tyler outside. 


"did it mean anything to you when you went to the temple last night? or was it all for show?" 

"i'm going to call the bishop and tell him that you dont get to go to the temple untill you learn to be a better daughter..." 

*this is all true. i right them as soon as they escape peoples lip's.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Flying through the air like a bird
I have feathers but no wings
I am a plants best friend
I can feed many people
But I can kill without a sound
I am stealthy
I am fast
I am a sport
But I am an honor
I need attention and getting used to
What am I?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


i hate being late.
i really do.
but no one believes me!
they say,
" you need to be more responsible."
" you can only blame yourself,
for what happens in the future."
i want to cry out,
but does anyone care?
maybe i should just get up in the morning,
if i really want to go to school on time...

Monday, April 9, 2012

song? ... maybe

Just me you friendly emo Kidd JL
I run.
I jump and spin.
I’m sad. 
Crying rainbow tears. 
They turn to stone.
Hitting the pavement.
Breaking upon impact.
Sit in a corner.
All alone. 
As usual.
Put on a smile.
It’s just a mask.
You’ll never know my true feelings.
If you did would you really even care?
Making everyone happy.
It my job.
As I sob.
But that’s only when I’m alone.
Can’t you see and understand?
No you really cant.  
If you knew the real me
You’d know better then to trust me.
The killing.
Of my soul.
Don’t be sad.
Its just my fate not yours.
So smile.
And love your life.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

journal 2

i walked over to the stair's, edging toward the rocking chair. i saw Lucas and smiled.
"hey Lucas! why don't you join me and Avery?"
he looked up from his long curly brown hair. his big brown eyes looked at me for a moment and then away quickly. he turned and walked into the commons, his hand in his black sweatshirt pockets. i shrugged mentally and sat in the rocking chair. Avery sat across from me her curly amber/brown hair bouncing. i looked at her and thought about lucas's strange behavior.
"hey do you know whats wrong with lucas?"
avery shrugged,"i dont know..."
i sighed and thought out loud,"maybe he hates me..."
avery frowned and shook her head,"no he doesnt!"
i looked down and shrugged muttering "it wouldnt be the first time..."
i crossed my legs and started to eat my chili and chips. the spices and beans, swirled in my mouth, the chips crunching and the salt exploding with flavor and then the taste of corn. yummy. i ate some more and saw Lucas sit down ,a couple steps away from Avery, and leaned against the railing. i frowned trying to think of something happy to say, knowing he probably wouldn't answer. since this morning he had ignored all of my suggestions and questions, which was unusual for Lucas, being usually energetic and happy. i knew something was wrong, i just didn't know what to say.
"are you okay Lucas?"
Lucas didn't answer but kept looking at his feet. i punched myself mentally. ugh, say something else!
"um... how are you?"
nothing. gaaaaah!!!! i put duct tape over my mouth mentally. shut up. he obviousley doesnt want to talk. i looked around while eating another chip. what if he doesnt talk to me for the rest of the year? i froze and stared down at the chili. while i thought this mar liz came over and talked to lucas. he reussered her he was fine and she laughed saying she dident believe him and that he could talk to her anytime. she walked away then, and i kept thinking. what if he really does hate me? its true i would be used to it by now but i loved being his friend so much and loved him. no. i shook my head. he would never abandon me! he wouldnt totally ignore me or move to another state on purpose...
my stomache started to ache. my head was getting dizzy. suddenly the chips werent so satisfying as i thought they were before. i got up and tried not to trip on my, now, untied shoes. avery liked to untie my shoes when she was bored. i walked back into kates room, feeling sick. i threw away the rest of the chips and chili. kate looked over at me from talking to one of the other students. "your going to trip if you dont tie your shoes!"
i nodded and sat down.after a few seconds of sitting i turned and tied my shoes, and then walked toward the computer. i sat down and turned on the computer. as it was turning on, i thought about my father. how long had it been since i last saw him? i swallowed and tryed to shake of the memory, but couldnt. 5, 7 months? i sighed and sighned in.