Thursday, April 26, 2012

journal: ACMA

so today i shadowed at acma.  I'm still shadowing actually and am right next to Cassie, my guide and best friend. so far I'm seeing that this school is full of psychotic random and mentally disturbed people. a perfect fit for someone like me and Cassie. but it still doesn't hurt that I'm having to leave Terra nova.... it hurts but i have to move on. it's exactly like when me and my brother and sister had to move around because of our parents. you can wish on as many shooting star's but it doesn't mean your wish will ever come true. truth hurt's, but you need to hear it. i learned this the hard way. but at least i learned it. i met one of Cassie's "worshipers". his name is will. hes gay. and very nice :) .
i met her other worshiper. i don't quite now his name but he seems to be a nice guy too. i don't know if hes gay or not though. I'm guessing no. the bad thing about these two individuals is that i told them about my dad. i cant believe i told them! I'm supposed to be i control and tell no one i don't know or don't like at a safe distance. i don't know what is happening, but i don't like it. i have been out of control way too often and i need to put a stop to it.
well I'm gonna go and be a troll and bug Cassie.

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