Friday, June 8, 2012

organic essay RD

Did you know heating food in plastic is bad for you? Not only that but so is BPA, it lines your canned foods, your receipts, and old and cheap plastic containers have it (thus the reason its bad for you microwaving food in it).  BPA (biphenyl A) is a chemical that causes cancer and premature puberty.  It’s really nasty stuff, but because the US makes so much of it we’re having a difficult time in stopping using it.
So no my mom either has glass containers or non-BPA plastic to store our food in, and we’ve cut down on how much canned food we eat.
GMO, genetically modified organisms, are in everything we eat and even other stuff too.
 Do you really want to eat an apple with GMO in it? It doesn’t mean the apple can talk or anything but that it doesn’t attract bugs so much and is 2x bigger then organic apples.

Pesticides are used on just about every plant out there, and it runs into our water systems and then it gets into our animals too.  (For example, they use some pesticides to make the animals really fact and grow faster, therefore making the meat taste not as well as free land (?) animals. They also coop them up in really tight places, to make them even fatter! L)

Food coloring is fun during Easter right?
But did you know that food coloring not made from organic food sources like veggies and fruits can cause cancer?  Red 40 is a big one-it’s in so much of our food, even stuff that doesn’t need to be red!  A lot of kids’ candy has red 40 in it-so every time you eat fruit loops or licorice you’re putting cancer causing stuff into your body. You might as well be telling the grim reaper to make a early trip!

People with health issues, like some of my family members, can have adverse reactions to all of the above as well.  So, my Mom decided about 2 years ago to start having our family eat healthier.  So now we eat about 60% organic food-her goal is to have it be 90% by 2013. But it’s very very expensive, so she’s starting with the things that are the most harmful to us (BPA free stuff, non GMO cereals that are organic, non RBST organic milk) and tries to get mostly organic veggies and fruits. It gets hard sometimes because I love Kit Kats and other sweets. But I have to agree on one thing, organic dark chocolate is the best!!!! I also like the nuts because it doesn’t taste too salty and doesn’t have all these weird ingredients. I also make sweets with organic materials. It’s nice to get a taste of how they did it back then without all this crap we have to day right? I encourage everyone I can to eat organically, cause it also helps you learn to be more careful. I hope you take these words by heart and eat organically! Monica.

Thursday, June 7, 2012
i walk
i stop
i run
i spin
i stop
i jump
i spin
this was a great day

free soul
anima libra
the words flow out
before i can stop them
anima libra
my friends go out
before i can stop them
am i truly a free soul?
someday i will die.
someday no one will remember me
someday i will be a writer
someday ill be a mother
someday i will love 
and someday will come.
things that are not said
will breack my heart in two but
as long as i am with you
i will be as fine as rain.

love is running away
hate is in persuit
feelings hide me!

i believe in the taste of food
the icing melting on my tongue
the chocolate swirling around me with love
the moist and fluffy cake
the yellow cake which makes my heart sing and my belly big

the way people lie and cheat and hurt other people is not accepted by me.

i believe that there is always a tomorrow.
i believe the pine forest and the trees leaves
i believe in miracles, because it is a miracle that i am even here!

and i believe that i can trust you and that we will have the greatest memories in this life.
pine filled forest
the rain
nature calling
the shade covering me
the fresh black berry's
i could stay here forever

the colorless ceiling
bleach and ahsfalt
the fire cackling
the heat of hatred
dust and vinegar
this must be lonelyness

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

JANUARY slaps 
us in the face 
with the cold wind 
FEBRUARY curresses 
us with its 
loving touch  
MARCH climbs 
up to meet us 
and to make us believe 
APRIL fools us 
with its pranks 
and spam 
MAY sets 
us ready for spring 
with comfortable air 
JUNE shuffles in 
getting the party on 
when school is finally done 

sunrise wakes slowly 
filling the once dark sky with color 
it's beauty is flawless 
as it drives away the night 
and brings in the day 
the sky is now bright 
but it will soon be gone 
it scatters away 
tomorrow it shall come again 
sunset stalks day 
flashes its colors letting night take over
its color go out one by one 
as night brings darkness 
sunset then hides 
only to come by the next night

creative writing: diplomat, conferance room, jacket, balloon

The weeping willow…
I looked around nervously trying not to cry. Its ok… daddy will come and find me… he will! I felt the tear’s stream down knowing that I was just lying to myself. My name is Nadine. Nadine willows. I’m currently 6 years old. I know I’m pretty old to cry like this but I can’t help it. My daddy told me that he was going to talk to some people and then come back and that we would go for ice cream, but told me I had to wait in the conference room. He had even given me a red balloon, and most importantly he let me sit in the big spinney chair! 
That was five hours ago. I really badly had to go pee and I was thirsty. I wiggled around making the chair spin slightly. I looked out the window and saw that all the people who had been there before…. Were gone. I saw out, that window a door to the bathroom. I slid out of the chair and walked slowly toward the door. I opened the door and looked to the sides to see if there was anyone around. Nope! I walked quickly into the bathroom and peed. I then tried to wash my hands, but the sink was too high. I then heard some people talking. I was scared that they might be mad at me, so I hid under the sink, where there was a little cupboard, and stayed there. I then heard some loud sharp booms fill the air. I put my face in my knees and wrapped my hand tightly around my legs shaking. I then heard the screams. I shook harder. What was going on?
I stared silently at the ground. It had been 5 weeks since the terriost attack. The police, the doctors, the nurses, even my teacher had told me that my father was a diplomat and that it wasn’t my fault and that I didn’t have to be afraid to cry. But I couldn’t cry. No matter how hard I tried she couldn’t. I sighed and kicked a pebble making it bounce up ahead. As I watched the pebble go I saw a pair of shoes come into my view. I looked up to find Lucas staring snidely at me. What did he want?
“ ’Oh boo hoo look at me I have no family what am I ever going to do?’” he said to me mockingly. He glared at me and suddenly grabbed my blonde ponytail. I cried out, as he pulled hard. “ It’s you’re own fault you know. First you had to be born and kill your mother and then you had to go and kill your daddy.” I yanked away from him falling on the ground. I looked up and said angrily, “ I didn’t kill my daddy! He was killed by a bunch of mean people!” he laughed and leaned in closely to me. “ Is that what you think? The police didn’t tell you the truth then did they? Your daddy wasn’t killed by terriost’s. He was killed because you weren’t good enough.”
“Stop it…” I said silently.
“ Because you killed your own mother…”
“ Stop it.” I said a little louder. I was starting to shake.
“ Because you are a spoiled brat and…” he leaned in and whispered silently in my ear, 
“ he said himself this part… ‘ I wish she was never born. She isn’t pretty enough to be my daughter and I hate her...’” I stopped shaking and stared in horror at the ground. Daddy would never say that! Daddy loves me! What if it’s true? Am I really not that pretty? What am I going to do? WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?!
I heard a whistle and turned to see the recess teacher coming over, asking what we were doing. Lucas smiled and stared down at me. He then yelled “ we were just playing a little game…” he smiled and waved goodbye to me.
I shook not from the cold rain falling down on me, but because I was scared. Scared that what Lucas said was true. Scared that I was a killer. Scared of the fact I was alone. I was in a very thin shirt and shorts with flip-flops. It had been such a pretty day. I shook harder and stared down at my father’s grave. I had ran away from my aunts to see his grave, I missed him so much… I looked at the grave next to his, knowing I would find my mothers. Her name was lily willows. She was 25 when she gave birth to me, and had died that age. I never knew her, but I loved her. My daddy had told me that I had her sapphire eyes and her honey blonde hair. I think where the comparison stopped. She had thinner lips then my thick ones and she had dimples, while I had none. She had a long pretty face while I had a round ugly face. I looked silently at the two and closed my eyes.
 Am I really alone?
The thought had never really gotten to me until Lucas had told me. What now that I thought about it…
I felt something hot and wet roll down my cheek. I was shocked to realize they were tears. I hadn’t cried since I was in the conference room. I wrapped my arms around my legs putting them tightly around my body. I felt my sobs shack me. I winced as I heard my stomach growl. How long have I been here? And to think no one was looking for me just made me sob harder. Gosh I was such a baby. But then…
“ You ok?” I looked up to find a man with a black umbrella and a long black trench coat. He had big kind brown eyes and black hair that almost hid them. As I started looking at him more, I realized that he was not a man but a teenager. I looked quickly down, trying not to let him see how un-ok I was. My stomach decided then to gurgle. I clenched my tummy angry at it deceiving me. He then started laughing and took of his jacket. I stared wondering what he was doing when he put it over me. “ Don’t want you to catch a cold now.” He said smiling. I looked up at him questionably and then looked down. Why is he being so nice?
I heard at him get up, and I looked up and the words slipped out before I could do anything.
“Don’t leave me!” he looked at me surprisingly, suddenly noticing the graves. He looked sad and then smiled. “I’ll make a deal,” he said squatting, looking me eye to eye,” if you come with me and eat some food, I wont leave you ok?” he smiled and opened his hand out to me. I stared at it and smiled. I nodded and grabbed his hand.

creative writing 8

The wedding wrecker. 
Markus in love... 
 Markus watched as Maria walked down the aisle and all he could do was stare. He was so in love with her. She wore a long white dress that looked like it would be perfect as the fairy tales said, with flower's craftily embroaded into the dress, and the way it floated around her, but seemed to fit her just made her even more beautiful. Markus watched her and as he did he saw something. When he saw it he was so shocked, that he shook realizing that he made a mistake. Maria had her fake smile on. He knew it was because her eyes didn't sparkle and her left eyebrow went slightly up. She didn't want to marry Brant. He remembered what she'd said last night and it all made sense. The bishop asked if there were anyone who disagreed with the marriage of Maria and Brant. Markus stood and the words slipped out.
"I reject."
  Everyone gasped and stared wide eyed at him but he stood firmly. Maria stared at him with happiness in her eyes but a shocked face. The bishop looked just surprised he asked why Markus was doing this. Markus looked at Maria and then at Brant and then pointed straight at Brant.
"Because I can’t let the person I love get married to someone she doesn't love."
Maria stared at him and smiled. This time for real. There was no questioning and there was no sad look in her eyes, just pure joy.
" Maria do you remember what you said last night? i dint know what you were trying to tell me until i saw your smile when you were walking down the aisle-"
" If she was smiling then why did you ruin her special day?" Brant said snidely. Markus smiled and said plainly,
"Because it was fake." Maria smiled and tears ran down her face happily.
" You always did know how I felt..." she said looking up." but last night you dint see how i truly felt or what I was trying to say." she looked down sadly. Markus nodded and then he explained, " I was so angry that you had decided to get married, that I dint pay attention when you asked me..." he stopped and looked straight at her.”‘ should I get married? I mean it's not that I don't love him.... but I feel like something isn't right...' I'm sorry... and I know it’s too late but would you ever consider marrying me?"
Maria smiled and then, shoving the bouquet of flowers into Brant's chest, she ran and jumped into Markus's arms. They spinned around and then Markus said with the biggest smile on his face,
"Does that mean yes?" she smiled and flicked his forehead.
" No I just got my used to be groom to be groom a thing to look forward to..." she kissed him and then pulled away," yes you idiot, I will marry you."

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

what if love give's up?
i might just cry.
what if hate win's the battle?
i could die.
what if good does not lose?
i would be perfect.
but what if the days roll by till the day i die?

when i see the ocean
wondrous glorious victorious
i wish i could swim to the bottom and never come back up...
because it's beuty down there is better than anything else.

i flew to the top of the sky
free pretty wonderfull
i want to sprout wing's and do this.
sit, stand, stare 
the girl
into the park

look, stare, frown
my mother
to bed

wince, cry, run
to anywhere but there
twinkle, glow,
explode, light, sucked
darkness, nothing
black hole.

search, under
over, find, cry
lie, mine

jump, kick
hit, fist, sucker-punch
awake, late
kind, nice
good, pleasent, trusty
sparkly, great, rude, unworthy
dispicable, downer, crowder
hater, unlikable

stiff, boring
dull, just, repulsive
unknowing, uncontroling, bold, smart
awsome, ready, unlimited
frustrating, smily
i am
earth, love, art.
i sometimes wondor if i 
could hug these and then make them
mine forever and ever, because that would be nice.
honesty is impotant to me
privacy is important to me
kindness is important to me.
lieing should'nt exist but it does 
and i always lie.its terrible and so am i.
the world is sick and wrong, with all these abortions
and baby mice in wine and baby flesh burned just for some pills
theres something wrong with them.
theres something wrong with me.
this is me.
just because i smile...
doesn't mean i own it.
doesn't mean i can control it.
the monster that stirs in my head.
just because i smile...
doesn't say I'm happy.
doesn't mean we can be all sappy.
the haunter is like lead
just because i smile...
doesn't mean we're friends.
doesn't mean ill make amends.
my mother once said.
just because i smile...
doesn't mean i love you.
doesn't mean I'm you're beloved.
so get out of my bed.
just because i smile...
doesnt mean im proud.
doesnt mean that i love the crowd.
no im just filled with red.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

creative writing 7

To give to mankind
 I stare ahead into the blank sky and wonder what the world would do if they saw me doing what I was just about to do. I stared down the tan rocky cliff and saw the dry rock hard ground of the desert, a very small dry breeze making my white hair move slightly to the left. I smiled, and dropped my transparent board on the ground, and stood on it. The board instantly stuck to my feet and then started hovering off the ground. I chuckled, thinking of all of their faces in shock, even fear. I felt my chest squeeze thinking of the way the air felt when I flew into the sky. I gave one last look into the sky and then closed my eyes I went off the cliff. I felt myself falling. The desert wind wrapped itself around me like a warm blanket. I could stay like this for hours. But I knew if I didn’t do anything, I would die, before I could meet the embrace of the desert ground. I opened my eyes and clicked the button right below my heel, and I fly over the ground. I step the button near my toes and I fly up and spin through the air. I love the sky so much. I then decide to speed things up. I lean in, put my left foot back and then press the very back button. I then zip into the sky, faster then a jet. I know this is risky, But I didn’t care. I thought of the song Anima Libera. I sung the Italian version then the English.
  Free soul, you feel flawless
up there in the sky you will fly
Free soul, always lights me up
in the darkness of my thoughts
Free soul, often and magical
you're the hope inside me
Free soul, light and unique
in the blue sky you will shine
and don't let
futile fears
hide the light inside you,
I won't forget you
I will celebrate you
to the rhythm of this song.

 I smiled and thought about how it suited me all to well. I click the button, and got out of warp speed (I didn’t know what to call it so I went to the star trek reference instead K )  I went back down onto the ground and got off the hover board. And that was the moment I noticed that instead of solid ground I had landed in water. I swam up to the surface and looked around. I was in the ocean. Craaaaaap….
I looked around and sighed. Oh well.
so pretty much this was explaining how I would create a hover board  and how fast it would go and stuff. Also I didn’t mention that it is solar powered and that the battery can hold about 5 days worth of power for the hover board. Why a hover board? I’ve always dreamed of flying and since growing a pair of wings is out of the question (L) I decided that instead I would make a hover board. The sad part is I’m not smart enough to do this and not awesome enough to do it and I’m just plain poor K.

creative writing 6

The one who notices
 I sometimes wonder if im the only one listening or paying attention. I turned and looked over at everyone else. The girl behind me, Kylie, stared blankly ahead, brushing her long straight hair aside. The boy behind her, Michael, played around with his pen, accidentally making it fly up to the ceiling, where it stayed, stuck. He quickly looked down and acted like he was writing notes. The guy next to him, Kurt, chuckled and rolled his eyes toward Melissa, who was staring at him the whole time. She blushed and quickly looked up ahead. The guy next to me, Brian, started laughing out loud for no particular reason. He would do that just to see what everyone else would do. Of course everyone else started to laugh. Everyone in high school always did what the popular people did. I shook my head and looked over at the girl at my right. She was the one I really didn’t understand. With Kylie, she tried her best to be the most gorgeous girl in the world. But in reality her father weighed her all the time and if she went even one pound over 95 pounds, he’d smack her and call her ugly. With Michael, he was always trying to be the class clown. The reason is because he wants to be noticed. Kurt was always trying to act cool, but in reality he always tried to make Melissa’s life better. And Melissa thought he would never notice her because she was the class nerd, when she actually was the most talented ballet dancer anyone has ever seen. Brian had the perfect life. Nothing made him sad or angry really. He was societies golden boy. But, Brittany? She was a complete mystery to me. I tried to figure her out by asking people or by looking her up, but she was so… plain. Boring. Annoying. I frowned. Not annoying for other people, she was very silent. But, annoying because she was a complete mystery. There was nothing that was typical or surprising or sad about her! I then remember a line from a poem by e.e.Cummins.

 The weak noise of her eyes easily files my impatience to an edge…

 I thought about it and decided it fitted her. I looked around at all of them. They all laughed and chuckled awkwardly, looking at everyone else with a questioning eye. What are we laughing about? They all seemed to ask each other, but none of them dared to ask. I looked up at our teacher, Mr. Noshing he stared ahead, with a bored look in his eyes, blabbering on about how and why Lincoln was assassinated. Him and I both knew why he wasn’t at the bar drinking his shame and sorrow away. And why he wasn’t going to just walk out. Because he didn’t have any money. And because he had nothing to look forward to when he got home. He had no wife. No children. And his family was ashamed of him. So what did he have to live for? I looked at him and felt very sad. I sighed and shrugged. Oh well. Who cares if I’m the only one who notices these things? It’s not like anyone will ever notice the girl in the front row who always does weird things, right?

Friday, June 1, 2012

Elvis clone's taking over the world!!!!
On June 5th , 2045, we witnessed as Elvis came back into style. Everyone wanted to be him. Everyone wanted to listen to him and look like him. And then we watched as the trend turned into something more. Soon there were religions, cults, and even gangs all about how everyone should look and act like Elvis. We then witnessed people being murdered because they did not go to the national church of Elvis Presley. And then we saw the massacres. Countless of men woman and children died at the hands of not the followers of      Elvis, but his clones. And now we look at now, as we are now ruled over these Elvis clones. In Elvis Presley we trust I bid you goodbye.
 “What a load of crap.” A man said as he crumpled up the newspaper and threw it on the ground. He breathed in the cigarette smoke and let it slowly flow out of his mouth. The man watched as the smoke floated into the air, and then it was stirred around by the movement from the hover cars.  The man then, started walking to MC’ PRESLEY. The man was unlike the rest of the people in this city. Unlike them he did not go to that stupid Elvis church, nor did he dress like him. He just slept most of the day away, he wore a long dark leather trench coat, and a beaten up bowler hat. The man stomped on his cigarette and started to start a new one when he saw something in the alley. He shrugged and walked away smoking his cigarette. Not many people wanted to resist because they felt as if they had no other choice. The man shook his head shamefully and blew out the smoke. He didn’t understand why they were afraid of a bunch of clones though.  He started to walk when he felt like someone was following him. He walked a little faster and then turned into the next alleyway. The man turned and saw his stalker. He immediately got his gun out.
 “I am not becoming one of you freaks.” The man said plainly as he stared down at the Elvis clone. The clone didn’t respond, he merely pointed a laser at the man and started shooting. The man dodged the shots, jumping against the brick walls and kicking the garbage into the clones face. The clone brushed the garbage away and kept shooting. The man then started shooting the clone and running head on to it. Just as the clone was about to shoot the man square in the face the man punched him in the face, with such strength and speed, that it smashed in the clone’s head. He stood up straight and smiled down at the smashed up clone. He lighted another cigarette and walked out of the alley way and back to MC' Presley. The man walked on and smiled to himself when he realized more clones were following him. 
 "Well this is going to be fun."

book report 4: the HOST

NAME: Melanie Stryder
HEIGHT: 5"10
EYE COLOR: deep brown with flecks of gold
HAIR COLOR: brunette with blond highlights
PERSONALITY: violent, all action, fast, kind, sarcastic, inpatient, loving, motherly
LIKES: Wanderer, Jamie, Jeb, being free, the world how it used to be, jokes, love, and Jared 
DISLIKES: kyle, the seeker, Jared kissing wanderer, Ian touching her, souls(at first), seekers
she is not really the one who is leading but you do know how she feels and what her thoughts are, you also see her views but she doesn't describe everything. she is the owner of the body wanderer is using (at first) and her best friend/sister :) 

NAME: Ian O'Shea 
EYE COLOR: Sapphire blue  
HAIR COLOR: midnight black
PERSONALITY: soccer jock, fair, kind, protective, instinctive but thoughtful, loving, good, sweet 
LIKES: wanderer, mysteries, nice people, playing soccer, proving kyle wrong, Jamie, Doc, Jeb, Jared, love
DISLIKES: kyle, when wanderer is hurt, wanderer sad, wanderer leaving, being beaten at soccer, being wrong
wanderers true love and best friend. at first he doesn't like her, even hated her. he almost killed her in the beginning! but then he finds it curious why she is even there, why would she risk her life just to see jared and jamie?  
and then he falls for her.