Sunday, June 3, 2012

creative writing 7

To give to mankind
 I stare ahead into the blank sky and wonder what the world would do if they saw me doing what I was just about to do. I stared down the tan rocky cliff and saw the dry rock hard ground of the desert, a very small dry breeze making my white hair move slightly to the left. I smiled, and dropped my transparent board on the ground, and stood on it. The board instantly stuck to my feet and then started hovering off the ground. I chuckled, thinking of all of their faces in shock, even fear. I felt my chest squeeze thinking of the way the air felt when I flew into the sky. I gave one last look into the sky and then closed my eyes I went off the cliff. I felt myself falling. The desert wind wrapped itself around me like a warm blanket. I could stay like this for hours. But I knew if I didn’t do anything, I would die, before I could meet the embrace of the desert ground. I opened my eyes and clicked the button right below my heel, and I fly over the ground. I step the button near my toes and I fly up and spin through the air. I love the sky so much. I then decide to speed things up. I lean in, put my left foot back and then press the very back button. I then zip into the sky, faster then a jet. I know this is risky, But I didn’t care. I thought of the song Anima Libera. I sung the Italian version then the English.
  Free soul, you feel flawless
up there in the sky you will fly
Free soul, always lights me up
in the darkness of my thoughts
Free soul, often and magical
you're the hope inside me
Free soul, light and unique
in the blue sky you will shine
and don't let
futile fears
hide the light inside you,
I won't forget you
I will celebrate you
to the rhythm of this song.

 I smiled and thought about how it suited me all to well. I click the button, and got out of warp speed (I didn’t know what to call it so I went to the star trek reference instead K )  I went back down onto the ground and got off the hover board. And that was the moment I noticed that instead of solid ground I had landed in water. I swam up to the surface and looked around. I was in the ocean. Craaaaaap….
I looked around and sighed. Oh well.
so pretty much this was explaining how I would create a hover board  and how fast it would go and stuff. Also I didn’t mention that it is solar powered and that the battery can hold about 5 days worth of power for the hover board. Why a hover board? I’ve always dreamed of flying and since growing a pair of wings is out of the question (L) I decided that instead I would make a hover board. The sad part is I’m not smart enough to do this and not awesome enough to do it and I’m just plain poor K.

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