Wednesday, June 6, 2012

creative writing 8

The wedding wrecker. 
Markus in love... 
 Markus watched as Maria walked down the aisle and all he could do was stare. He was so in love with her. She wore a long white dress that looked like it would be perfect as the fairy tales said, with flower's craftily embroaded into the dress, and the way it floated around her, but seemed to fit her just made her even more beautiful. Markus watched her and as he did he saw something. When he saw it he was so shocked, that he shook realizing that he made a mistake. Maria had her fake smile on. He knew it was because her eyes didn't sparkle and her left eyebrow went slightly up. She didn't want to marry Brant. He remembered what she'd said last night and it all made sense. The bishop asked if there were anyone who disagreed with the marriage of Maria and Brant. Markus stood and the words slipped out.
"I reject."
  Everyone gasped and stared wide eyed at him but he stood firmly. Maria stared at him with happiness in her eyes but a shocked face. The bishop looked just surprised he asked why Markus was doing this. Markus looked at Maria and then at Brant and then pointed straight at Brant.
"Because I can’t let the person I love get married to someone she doesn't love."
Maria stared at him and smiled. This time for real. There was no questioning and there was no sad look in her eyes, just pure joy.
" Maria do you remember what you said last night? i dint know what you were trying to tell me until i saw your smile when you were walking down the aisle-"
" If she was smiling then why did you ruin her special day?" Brant said snidely. Markus smiled and said plainly,
"Because it was fake." Maria smiled and tears ran down her face happily.
" You always did know how I felt..." she said looking up." but last night you dint see how i truly felt or what I was trying to say." she looked down sadly. Markus nodded and then he explained, " I was so angry that you had decided to get married, that I dint pay attention when you asked me..." he stopped and looked straight at her.”‘ should I get married? I mean it's not that I don't love him.... but I feel like something isn't right...' I'm sorry... and I know it’s too late but would you ever consider marrying me?"
Maria smiled and then, shoving the bouquet of flowers into Brant's chest, she ran and jumped into Markus's arms. They spinned around and then Markus said with the biggest smile on his face,
"Does that mean yes?" she smiled and flicked his forehead.
" No I just got my used to be groom to be groom a thing to look forward to..." she kissed him and then pulled away," yes you idiot, I will marry you."

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