Friday, June 1, 2012

Elvis clone's taking over the world!!!!
On June 5th , 2045, we witnessed as Elvis came back into style. Everyone wanted to be him. Everyone wanted to listen to him and look like him. And then we watched as the trend turned into something more. Soon there were religions, cults, and even gangs all about how everyone should look and act like Elvis. We then witnessed people being murdered because they did not go to the national church of Elvis Presley. And then we saw the massacres. Countless of men woman and children died at the hands of not the followers of      Elvis, but his clones. And now we look at now, as we are now ruled over these Elvis clones. In Elvis Presley we trust I bid you goodbye.
 “What a load of crap.” A man said as he crumpled up the newspaper and threw it on the ground. He breathed in the cigarette smoke and let it slowly flow out of his mouth. The man watched as the smoke floated into the air, and then it was stirred around by the movement from the hover cars.  The man then, started walking to MC’ PRESLEY. The man was unlike the rest of the people in this city. Unlike them he did not go to that stupid Elvis church, nor did he dress like him. He just slept most of the day away, he wore a long dark leather trench coat, and a beaten up bowler hat. The man stomped on his cigarette and started to start a new one when he saw something in the alley. He shrugged and walked away smoking his cigarette. Not many people wanted to resist because they felt as if they had no other choice. The man shook his head shamefully and blew out the smoke. He didn’t understand why they were afraid of a bunch of clones though.  He started to walk when he felt like someone was following him. He walked a little faster and then turned into the next alleyway. The man turned and saw his stalker. He immediately got his gun out.
 “I am not becoming one of you freaks.” The man said plainly as he stared down at the Elvis clone. The clone didn’t respond, he merely pointed a laser at the man and started shooting. The man dodged the shots, jumping against the brick walls and kicking the garbage into the clones face. The clone brushed the garbage away and kept shooting. The man then started shooting the clone and running head on to it. Just as the clone was about to shoot the man square in the face the man punched him in the face, with such strength and speed, that it smashed in the clone’s head. He stood up straight and smiled down at the smashed up clone. He lighted another cigarette and walked out of the alley way and back to MC' Presley. The man walked on and smiled to himself when he realized more clones were following him. 
 "Well this is going to be fun."

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