Wednesday, June 6, 2012

creative writing: diplomat, conferance room, jacket, balloon

The weeping willow…
I looked around nervously trying not to cry. Its ok… daddy will come and find me… he will! I felt the tear’s stream down knowing that I was just lying to myself. My name is Nadine. Nadine willows. I’m currently 6 years old. I know I’m pretty old to cry like this but I can’t help it. My daddy told me that he was going to talk to some people and then come back and that we would go for ice cream, but told me I had to wait in the conference room. He had even given me a red balloon, and most importantly he let me sit in the big spinney chair! 
That was five hours ago. I really badly had to go pee and I was thirsty. I wiggled around making the chair spin slightly. I looked out the window and saw that all the people who had been there before…. Were gone. I saw out, that window a door to the bathroom. I slid out of the chair and walked slowly toward the door. I opened the door and looked to the sides to see if there was anyone around. Nope! I walked quickly into the bathroom and peed. I then tried to wash my hands, but the sink was too high. I then heard some people talking. I was scared that they might be mad at me, so I hid under the sink, where there was a little cupboard, and stayed there. I then heard some loud sharp booms fill the air. I put my face in my knees and wrapped my hand tightly around my legs shaking. I then heard the screams. I shook harder. What was going on?
I stared silently at the ground. It had been 5 weeks since the terriost attack. The police, the doctors, the nurses, even my teacher had told me that my father was a diplomat and that it wasn’t my fault and that I didn’t have to be afraid to cry. But I couldn’t cry. No matter how hard I tried she couldn’t. I sighed and kicked a pebble making it bounce up ahead. As I watched the pebble go I saw a pair of shoes come into my view. I looked up to find Lucas staring snidely at me. What did he want?
“ ’Oh boo hoo look at me I have no family what am I ever going to do?’” he said to me mockingly. He glared at me and suddenly grabbed my blonde ponytail. I cried out, as he pulled hard. “ It’s you’re own fault you know. First you had to be born and kill your mother and then you had to go and kill your daddy.” I yanked away from him falling on the ground. I looked up and said angrily, “ I didn’t kill my daddy! He was killed by a bunch of mean people!” he laughed and leaned in closely to me. “ Is that what you think? The police didn’t tell you the truth then did they? Your daddy wasn’t killed by terriost’s. He was killed because you weren’t good enough.”
“Stop it…” I said silently.
“ Because you killed your own mother…”
“ Stop it.” I said a little louder. I was starting to shake.
“ Because you are a spoiled brat and…” he leaned in and whispered silently in my ear, 
“ he said himself this part… ‘ I wish she was never born. She isn’t pretty enough to be my daughter and I hate her...’” I stopped shaking and stared in horror at the ground. Daddy would never say that! Daddy loves me! What if it’s true? Am I really not that pretty? What am I going to do? WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?!
I heard a whistle and turned to see the recess teacher coming over, asking what we were doing. Lucas smiled and stared down at me. He then yelled “ we were just playing a little game…” he smiled and waved goodbye to me.
I shook not from the cold rain falling down on me, but because I was scared. Scared that what Lucas said was true. Scared that I was a killer. Scared of the fact I was alone. I was in a very thin shirt and shorts with flip-flops. It had been such a pretty day. I shook harder and stared down at my father’s grave. I had ran away from my aunts to see his grave, I missed him so much… I looked at the grave next to his, knowing I would find my mothers. Her name was lily willows. She was 25 when she gave birth to me, and had died that age. I never knew her, but I loved her. My daddy had told me that I had her sapphire eyes and her honey blonde hair. I think where the comparison stopped. She had thinner lips then my thick ones and she had dimples, while I had none. She had a long pretty face while I had a round ugly face. I looked silently at the two and closed my eyes.
 Am I really alone?
The thought had never really gotten to me until Lucas had told me. What now that I thought about it…
I felt something hot and wet roll down my cheek. I was shocked to realize they were tears. I hadn’t cried since I was in the conference room. I wrapped my arms around my legs putting them tightly around my body. I felt my sobs shack me. I winced as I heard my stomach growl. How long have I been here? And to think no one was looking for me just made me sob harder. Gosh I was such a baby. But then…
“ You ok?” I looked up to find a man with a black umbrella and a long black trench coat. He had big kind brown eyes and black hair that almost hid them. As I started looking at him more, I realized that he was not a man but a teenager. I looked quickly down, trying not to let him see how un-ok I was. My stomach decided then to gurgle. I clenched my tummy angry at it deceiving me. He then started laughing and took of his jacket. I stared wondering what he was doing when he put it over me. “ Don’t want you to catch a cold now.” He said smiling. I looked up at him questionably and then looked down. Why is he being so nice?
I heard at him get up, and I looked up and the words slipped out before I could do anything.
“Don’t leave me!” he looked at me surprisingly, suddenly noticing the graves. He looked sad and then smiled. “I’ll make a deal,” he said squatting, looking me eye to eye,” if you come with me and eat some food, I wont leave you ok?” he smiled and opened his hand out to me. I stared at it and smiled. I nodded and grabbed his hand.

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