Monday, May 28, 2012

book report 3: fallen

EYE COLOR:emerald green
PERSONALITY: sarcastic, sneaky, a charmer, funny,
LIKES: snakes, charming Luce,being center stage, party's, winning (duh!), and beating Daniel up
DISLIKES: losing, being beaten by Daniel and gabbe, messing up, speeches, class, school, and arriane
one of the many villains but also seems to be an ally of a sort :\

NAME: luce price
PERSONALITY: innocent, smart, grim, funny, kind, dark, and happy with friends
LIKES: daniel. cam(in the beginning), her friends, stalking daniel, thinking about daniel, and daniel.
DISLIKES: not thinking about daniel, not dreaming of daniel, daniel flipping her off, cam (in the end), penn dieing :(
the herion.... im kinda mad at her for being with daniel. cam is better.:|

Sunday, May 27, 2012

journal 45: the end.

this is the end.
the end of my journals.
the end of having to try and get this done as fast i can
the end of not being a sophomore next year
the end.... of my struggle
the end of advisory.
the end.
love is the movement of the soul
when we search for our other half.
sometimes we find it,
other times we don't.
love is like the last puzzle piece.
if we find it then we will be completed.
if we do not then we will always be 
waiting for something to fill that hole
deep in our heart. 
most of the time we fill it with junk
stuff that we don't need
stuff that hurts us
stuff that shouldn't be there.
my solution?
dont try to fill it.
wait for the day when you find that love
that sweet love that can fill that hole
and complete us.

journal 44:

my mummy wont help me with my wrist!!!!!!!!!! it hurts!!!!!!!!!!!!! D:  but does mummy care? nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! she just wants me to do the kitchen cause ty aint here :(
mummy doesnt understand
why i am the way i am
she doesnt get how i am able
to ignore my duties and chores
she doesnt get how lazy i can be
she also doesnt understand
why i am so stubborn
why i stand for what i think
and why i will argue no matter what the situation
and how after all of that
can understand others oppinions
she also doesnt get why i try to help
all my friends and family
why i wont help myself
and why i am
short parody to FALLEN....

Cam stared out into the open sky and closed his eyes. Why did it always end up like this…. It was only a kiss. He smiled grimly as the song played through his head. He tried to get up when he was painfully reminded that Gabbe was still there. And he was reminded with a fist. He winced and coughed and tried to fight back. It was useless. Like falling in love with Luce….


He got up and then punched Gabbe Square in the gut. She sighed and round kicked him. He spit on the ground and growled. She rolled her eyes “very attractive…”
She kicked him then, in the gut and he crashed into an oak. Ouch. He looked up and saw Gabbe as she always was. Annoyingly pretty, he liked to call her type. The ones with the little cute accent, the perfect blonde hair that flowed in just the right way, and the always-perfect nails. He grimaced. Disgusting. He got up and put his fists up. Just about when he was going to punch her in the face she ran away. He shook his head. What the hell? He shrugged and sat on the stone dry ground and leaned against the oak. Cam looked up into the branches and leaves.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

journal 43: ............

a cute little nose
pink and soft and wet
deep brown eyes
big and wide and filled with pride
fur with brown and black
a white chest and paws and fluffy tail
ears long and soft
they hear and steer and keep me away from fear
im what people want and what they hate
cute and dangerous and ruleing the world
what am i?

journal 42: somtimes...

i just wanna scream. 
i just wanna shout. 
about the things that make me glitch 
out of the space 
to be alive doesnt mean 
your awake 
am i awake? 
or is this a dream? 
could i be 
dreaming of reality? 
the things you said 
burn in my head 
make me want to split open 
my head 
it hurts but doesnt everything now adays? 
love must be great  
but i got none of it 
and sometimes when 
i see my friends happy 
i want to yell that it isnt fair 
but what should i know? 
they have it worse than i do...  

book report 2: WRAPPED by jennifer bradbury

NAME:Agnes Wilkins
EYE COLOR: emerald green
HAIR COLOR: brown red
PERSONALITY: adventurous, caring, curious, hot headed at times, sweet, a dreamer
LIKES: other things outside of London and England, being left alone, reading, A Lady (Jane Austen), Caedmon, her brother Daniel, Egypt, her father and Julia
DISLIKES: being constricted, having her mother nag at her about manners, lord Showalter, disrupting mummy's, people taking things from Egypt, and when her brother Rupert is sexist.
she is our heroin who explains what is happening and how she feels about it. she is awsome! 

NAME:Caedmon Stowe
EYE COLOR:deep brown
PERSONALITY: very smart, kind, has a temper, curious, persistent, content.
LIKES: Egypt, Pharaohs, the Rosetta stone, Agnes, the museum, his sister, and adventure
DISLIKES: people bossing him around, not doing his work, fighting with Agnes, lord Showalter, and Mr Banehart
he is one of our hero's, and hes got a soft spot for Agnes (love is in the air no?)

Friday, May 25, 2012

book report 1: pillage

NAME: Beck Phillips (pillage)
HEIGHT: 6"3 ft
EYE COLOR: brown
HAIR COLOR: dark brown
PERSONALITY: funny, smug, trouble maker, brave, kind, sarcastic, and smart.
LIKES: jokes, food, nice people, Milo, and Kate.
DISLIKES: rude people, bullies, teachers, learning, and Wyatt
He is the one who explains everything, and the hero of the book.

NAME: Kate (doesn't say her last name)
HEIGHT:5"8 ft
EYE COLOR: green
PERSONALITY: serious, smart, a little snooty, a typical girl, and wimpy.
LIKES: cute things, Beck, Milo, the outdoors, adventure.
DISLIKES: Wyatt, boring stuff, spiders, cobwebs, and being trapped.
She is the hero's love. she likes him but wont admit it until the end.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

journal 41:

sit stand turn
stand turn sit
turn sit nervous 
sit nervous twitch 
nervous twitch look
twitch look down 
look down tears 
down tears fall 
tears fall down 
fall down pick 
down pick self 
pick self up 
self up sigh 
up sigh smile 
sigh smile oh 
smile oh well 
oh well im not 
well im not special 
not special or anything

journal 40: ....what the f-

there once was a girl
her name was risa
and risa had a sisters named terissa
and lissa.
and she had one brother named george :|
george liked to gorge
all night long
but risa and her sisters
thought this was surely wrong
they tell him and tell him
over and over again
to stop this madness.
but george would say no
until one day he bacame ruler of the fairys and ate a bunch of penguins
the end O.O

JOURNAL 39: starry eyed disease

Attention! There is a new disease! Attention!  
This is not a drill!
Listen carefully and follow the following procedures!
The new disease is called "starry eyed". The first sign of this disease is you have starry eyes. How you can see that your eyes have become "starry eyed" is there a golden flecks in your eyes and they glow. The next sign is glowing in the dark. It is a golden glow. The next sign is hearing singing in your head. It will lead you untill you find more of the diseased. The next sign is feeling as if your being struck by lightning. There is rumor that this will only happen if you make contact with another infected. The next sign is not being able to hear your brathing. The next sign is the lethal part. The next sign is turning to stone. This will happen when a male victim and a female victim interact. This is serious and you must be warned not to touch ANY of the infected or diseased!!!!!!!
Good luck.

journal 38 : what...? WHAT?!?!

What is a crow?  
Is it a thief?
Or is it the sign of death?
Is it an illusion?
A myth?
Is it a god?
Or is it the devil?
Is it of worth?
Or is it trash?
Is it beautiful?
Or is it…. A mystery?

What am i?
Am I a lover?
Or a hater?
Am I kind?
Or crude?
Am I a saint?
Or am I a demon?
Do I have feelings?
Or am I hollow?
Am I pretty?
Or am I ugly?
Am I unique?
Or am i… a strange something.

journal 37: .....

I want to ride my bicycle!
Because the air is pure
And im ready for the cure
Of this depressing state!
So if you don’t mind im  
gonna go ahead and ride my
Ride like the wind
Cause this isnt the end!
I feel the breeze and cant help but
Want to scream and shout!!!

I stole this boy's heart
Its not youres now its mine
So stay back and watch
As his wildest dreams come true
Not one of them involving you
So suck it up
And take your tears somewhere else
Cause we wont be needing uyou anymore
And by the way
We were never friends

journal 36: guardian angel...

An angel from on high.
Came down and bestowed upon me
A gift of wondors
But I asked if
I could have another miracle
The angel smiled sadley
And told me they couldn’t
I couldn’t help
The tears that fell  
I looked up to see
The angel staring down upon me
The angel said then
With grace and beuty
I shall be the person you love
Guardian angel.
And so was the making of the gaurdian angel.

journal 35: poetry is my life

Religion is just another word.
like hope
and faith
and god
and pain
and love
it doesn’t mean anything.
All it means is that we are weak
Weak to put such faith in things
To think there is something beyond this.
I guess im just as weak.
Because I would die for these things.
Cause if there was no hope.
Cause if their was no faith
And if there was no god
And if there was no pain
And if there was no love
Then we would be nothing.
We would have no creativity
We would have no ideas
We would be in caves still,
Trying to make fire.
And I wouldn’t be alive
Yes we are weak.
And yes we are fools.
But id rather be the fool,
Then the coward.

journal 34: poetry is a form of our humanity

Things that don’t make sense.
Ducks  watching star wars
The world forever in war
Butterflies eating crocodiles
The world going on for miles
Cats and dogs together
A child without a mother
Cheese and flowers falling from the sky
Our souls able to fly
Dinosaurs eating clouds
The world without mounds
Dreaming of reality
The world without mortality

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

journal entry:33

ok so today i discovered my little Sherlock avatar! he is so adorable and he does soooo many different things!!! its so cute i just wanna scream!!! currently he is climbing the "wall" or the edge of the screen! hes at the top and being a ninja now!!!!! :D soooooo cute!!!!!! i just dropped him and now hes mad :[ . and now hes walking. or pacing it seems. i guess hes trying to figure out life. i think he hates me :{ stop climbing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you sherlock.  i want him to play the violin. but he aint gonna do that :( . ahhhhh he morphed!!!!! their are two of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

journal 32: ......... ignorance

this is the best thing
that couldve happened
any longer and i wouldnt have made it
its not a war no 
its not a rapture
im just a person 
but you cant take it!
the same tricks that, 
they once fooled me
but now they wont get you anywhere
im not the same kid from your memories 
well i can fend for myself dont wanna hear your sad song 
 i dont wanna feel your pain you swear its not my fault well you
know we're not the same (no) we're not the same(no) oh we're not the same!

current event 16

can you guess what this is? its a blue butterfly made up of heavy whipping cream and blue!
( .... it's actually just two draps of heavy whipping cream hitting a black glass mirror thingy and some blue food coloring :| ) oh.... ok. the picture was done by James Kramer, a photographer who enjoys taking pictures at high speed shutter work. this one he things looks like a butterfly. ( it looks like a person wearing a mask and they are frowning.) ... yeah it kinda does. :|
any ways this is my last current event!!!!! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

current event 15

this is soooo coool!!!!! so this article talks about a guy who is 15 (my age ^^) and how he solved a cure for Pancreatic Cancer!!!! (O_O) it is interesting how a guy of 15 can find a cure (he actually found a way to find early sighns but hey itll lead to a cure!)  while 45 or 60 year old scientists who have been working for years to find this were not able to. interesting isnt it?

current event 14
awwwwwwwwwww!!!! so adorable!!!!!! (yep)so this article talks about a little three yearold boy who lives in china. he was witrh his grandfather because his parents were out working( " now grandson you must not let aliens take you or let some americans make you famous or go out into the middle of the street dancing around.... oh and dont go outside of china. understoood?" " yes grandfather!") so then the boy decided to go and visit his mummy ("mommy!!!!") so he waited untill his grandfather went to the bathroom ( " now dont do what i told you not to do ok?" "yes grandfather!") and then he grabs his toy motercycle (if its not a harley its crap!!!) and went 1.3 miles until he got to an intesection ("weeeeeeeeee!!!" see's intersection. should i go and cross it?) and without hesitating went through it (like a boss!!!!!!) and wheezed past cars ( ha! cant get me!) trucks (suckers!!!!) and even buses (like a pro wrestler smashes into the weak, i shall endure to the end!!!!!!!!!!) but then a traffic policemen stops him. (  :[  )  so he is returned to his grandfather (gets out of bathroom. see's boy missing. " aw crap.... the americans got him...") and he say and i quote:
"Asked later by Zhang whether he was scared at any point, the boy merely shrugged and said he had already learned how to cross a street."

current event 13 
so i was looking through these article's and i found this one interesting (no i found it boring and im just gonna write about like i find it interesting... PSHHHH YEAH RIGHT!)  so i started reading and i started thinking that maybe i didnt wake up on the right side of the oyster  
(..... O3o ) but then i find out that it was true and it is actually talking about robot fishies 
( [*=*] + O3o = {*3*} ?) its like in one of those scifi books where they can travel through space ( star trek) and travelthrough time (doctor who) in a robot fish!!!!! (.....?) doesnt that make sense???? (actually i think your on something and no. please stay on subject...) FISH!!!! (...) any ways, what they did was put them in the ocean like real fishies and you know what they do? they eat pollution!!!! they nom on that stuff alllllll day :D (... wrong again. what they actually do is collect data and tell the people back on land what is going on. it didnt explain whether or not they eat the pollution though....) <.<  no one asked you. (what ever)


 be careful what you say....
happy anger frustration 
anger frustration plan 
frustration plan set 
plant set rumor 
set rumor spread 
rumor spread hear 
spread hear sad 
hear sad cry 
sad cry depressio
cry depression deat
depression death suicide 
death suicide careful 
suicide careful what 
careful what you say

Monday, May 21, 2012

journal 31: dora dora dora the explorrrraaaaaaa! part 1

i looked around, breathing in in annoyance. i glared into the burning desert ahead, sweat trickling down my brow and making my shirt cling uncomfortabley to my body. i stopped my pacing and turned around, smiling.
" well if it isent my lousy so called of a friend. do you know how long iv been out here boots?"
boots, my best friend, rolls his eyes and sigh's. boots is a monkey, with gray fur all over his body except on his hands and the tip of his tail. on his feet, hence his name, are big red boots. he looked at me with his big brown eyes and put one hand on his waist, the other pointing at me.
" you try getting past mrs. franchise! she sent me to detention and gave me this HUUUGE speach about responsibility and actually doing your homework.... and now i have to turn in 10 papers explaining whats important to me..."
i rolled my eyes, "thats not hard at all!"
"in spanish." he said sulking. i flinched. ouch. boots never could write or even talk in spanish at all. i had tried when we were younger, to teach him how to read speak and write in spanish. he never could do it, even when i tried to teach him the basics. boot's and i are both in highschool, boots is a freshman, and im a junior. we both went to a normal scool full of normal people, and lived with normal families and were to other people, normal. but we were very far from normal. my name is dora, dora the explorar, and he is boots, my trusty sidekick. we were chosen to protect people from danger. we were also chosen to bring justice to the wanted crimanals. and if i do say so myself, it is the best job to ever have.
i looked down and grabbed my backpack out of boot's hands. i set it down and said backpack backpack. i stared at the backpack. it sat on the dusty hard ground. nothing. i glared at it and repeated the words backpack backpack. still nothing. i glared at it and kept repeating it. i felt the anger boil up in me and i repeating it, with a fearious tone.
"backpack, backpack, backpack, backpack, backpack, BACKTHE FREAKINGPACK!!!!! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THIS THING!!!!" i kicked the backpack and then picked it up and through it on the ground.

journal 30:art show

today we have the art show, the thing that scares me half to death, but excites me so much. its really a art auction but most of the art is for show. i love all of the different styles and ways they did their art. I'm happythat i got to go and take apart in this. it will not only give me cash, but it also helps me understand what people want. so i guess i better get off and ill pause for now and then tell you what happened later :) . 
i sold one on the actual art show day. i was sad about the fact people didnt even look at my art. i wanted to get it all and hide it. my teacher was the one to buy it. :\
the next day i found out that ryan west my friend bought another one. :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

current event 12 
ok so this asrticle was talking about how tyra banks wouldnt have had the carreer she had if she started now a days. well lets back up and think about the discussion. MODELING. i like it that they are using their looks and stuff but what i dont like is the fact that they think its fashionable to be anerexic and skinny!!!!! i hate that! and i also hate the fact you cant be a size 4. what?!?!? its stupid is what it is! i dont get why the hell anyone would want to be that skinny. im chubby and i enjoy it! if one of those girls looked at me they would say " omg i thinks she like obese.....ew." and if they saw an obese person: "EEEEEEEEEEK! ITS A MONSTER!!! AHHHH save me!!!!!!!!!" ..... T.T   no. i just hate to see pretty girls who are amazing just the way they are (no singing please :< ) any ways they also talked about how tyra was happy that vogue issued that they wouldnt let anyone on that had a eating disorder. they also said they would have good food and nutrition bars backstage. i am very happy for them. i hope this will mean that we are going into the whole its whats on the inside that counts situation in the future.

current event 11
so this is a sad story about a chick who was gonna break a world record but then something terrible she's just made an ok score. she told her partner ("hi!!!") to right down her score ("hey i got a three!!! write it down" "ok!hmmm lets see...." *rights down 4* "k sighn it!" "ok!" sighns.) O.o
and so thats what happened. and then when she was at her very last area they told her that she was off because of the error. and so she didnt get to be famouse. :(
the end :|

current event 10
weird. thats all i gotta say. so this article talks about how this couple have been living in their house and one day they were being happy couple selves ("look i found a new deit book!" "stop it woman! you dont need to be any more skinnier!" "but i weigh over 80 pounds!") when BANG! ("ahhhh i got shot honey!!!!" "noooo not my wife!!") ahem.... when bam! a car hit their house!("ahhhh! theres a stranger in our house!" ".....") the guy lived (im alive yaaay!) but had to pay a lot of money for house insurance. (noooooo!) and so they were happy again. but then later... ("i want shoes wade! buy me shooooes!" "hold on WOMAN! i am watching foot ball like the man i am!" "SHOOOOOES!") when bam again! another car in their house. (" ahhhhhh!!!!! crazy woman wanting shoes!!!!") and again the person was safe but had to pay money for house insurance ("nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!")  and then again.... ("WADE!WHERE IS MY DIETING MAGAZINE!!!!!!!" "i burned it." "you what?!?!?") and then bam again. and excedra excedra.... anyways house gets hit a fourth time. and then they want a boulder ("WADE! BUY US A BOULDER SO OUR HOUSE IS PROTECTED!!!! AND BUY ME SHOOES!!!!" "..... let me get my checkbook.")

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

current event 9
and i am back :D , and what am i back from? (.....china?) absouloutlly nothing! cause i have no life :'D .  anyways we were talking about some medievel procedures(medical) that were used for bad stuff. any ways i am now gonna talk about bloodletting. youve seen it in the movies (unless you dont watch t.v. :\ ) and t.v. shows, where the doctor guy is all like "oh we will  now just get a bowl out or get a bunch of leeches and just take a ton of blood out to save the person :D ".... i dont really have much against this procedure besides that (what...?) this procedure works a lot and saves some peoples lives. in some cases it is a very good thing to do. but in other cases it is very bad. for example, if someone was bleeding to death i dont recommend this procedure. if you are having plastic surgery you can ask a doctor to do it, though they may aleready do it without you really knowing. so it still is around today. in some cases people think it can also help with, nervous disorders, personality disorders, and much more. you can look it up and find out more by going on google. 

current event 8
i am back for some more of this medeviel medical stuff.( pretty much what medievel doctors did to treat infections and what not that are still kinda used today) next i will talk about labotomy. i dont really understand what this is but i am really scared of this happening to me now :( . this is a procedure that was practiced first off, on a grapefruit. what the hell? i mean what the hell is this? are you kidding me?!?! ( " hi we were wondering if we could do a surgical procedure on you that may or may not kill you? oh ands by the way we know it works because we prcticed it on a grapefruit.") what?! the procedure is when you have someone sit in a chair (sit's) you give them some vodka (i dont drink. so pass :D ) and then you start opening up the skin and drill a hole in the skull and swish a knife around in there hoping that you wont kill the person. (..... give me the bottle.) and why did they do this because you had ocd or some other personality disorder :D. pretty stupid right? will talk about another subject they used in the next current event :) .....

current event 7 
this article is really weird, and kinda (actually REALLY) gross and twisted. it talks about how some of the stuff they used back in the medeival times is still used today (but not as painfull or cruel  ._. )one of the things they talked about was maggot therapy. this is used if you got some decaying skin and what you do is (somehow) get a bunch of maggots (you know find a dead body and get some of those suckers... im sure the dead person wont mind....  O.O ) and then put them where the decaying skin. (if they end up eating you sorry :D ) now how the heck did someone figure this out?!?! i mean you cant just be all like, "hmm i got some decaying skin i think ill put a bunch of bloody maggots on it and see what'll happen."! i dont think anyone would be that stupid! >:|  any ways so this doctor guy was working on his patient and saw some decaying skin ( uhm... ew?) and then for some reason didnt like hack it off ( "oh look decaying skin that could kill my patient....oh well not my problem!" your the doctor so it is your problem!) and guess where the decaying skin was? (.....) the skull! (oh yeah of course hahahaaa.... dont judge me O>O ) so he was about to leave the poor sucker when he saw that there were a bunch of maggots in this guys skull ( "hey doc how am i doin?" "oh just fine you just got a bunch of maggots in your head, so your just fine!" "oh thats great..wait what?!?!" ) and then he decides to leave them there. well it turns out it actually works. (WHAT...) the maggots eat alll of the decaying dead skin and then leave the rest of it alone.( unless they get hungry...) this is still used today. (oh and by the way take the maggots OUT after they eat the decaying skin.....)
(oh and i also find out they eat infection too.... katniss wouldve liked to have some of these little guys when peeta was sick {hungergames}) i will continue in the next current event....

Thursday, May 10, 2012

journal 29

i stare at the wall in front of me, my back to the door.
i get up slowley, and think about what i just saw.
i was walking.
i went down the corner and one minute i saw the sidewalk ahead.
and then i bumped into a....
i shake my head ignoring the big blue police box in my head.
i put my backpack down and sit on my futon.
i get my notebook out and doodle a picture.
i drew the man peaking out of the police box.
i sigh and smile.
he was kinda cute....

journal 28

i walk down the corner of thunderhead. 
i walk straight into a police box. 
i stare. 
the door opens and a man walks out smiling. 
he has brown... (fluffy? poofy?) hair and intelligent blue eyes. 
he looks around talking in what seems to me as nerd. 
i stare still sitting on the ground. 
he looks at me and away. 
then he turns back and stares at me. 
"well what do we have here?" 
i stare and gulp. 
i quickly get up and run away. 
i get into my house and lock it. 
i slide down and breathe deep and steady breathes. 
what the hell was that?

journal 27

swing through time
through time swing
time swing time
swing time warp
time warp space
warp space time
space time continuum
doctor: come here
me: no.
doctor: why ever not?
me: cause you didn't say the magic word.
doctor: there is no magic, and what word?
me: ugh.... please.
doctor: please what? what do you want?
doctor: well you didnt have to shout....
me:*face meets palm*

journal 26

sing, breathe, watch,
breathe,watch, dance,
watch, dance, run,
dance, run, fall,
run, fall, get up,
fall, get up, jump,
get up jump, land,
jump, land, sing,
land, sing, breathe,
sing, breathe, watch.

journal 25

i cant help but feel sad.
you were everything to me.
and now your gone.
i dont know what to do
with this life.

i jump up and down and spin around
jump jump!
up down!

let the bad days go far far away
let yourself take control
dont listen to all the other voices around.
listen to me
listen to me
listen to me....
cant help but notice that im alone...

journal 24

life and love could never be so beutifull.
the light's in your eyes are so gorgeous.
its too bad its a disease.
the disease starts out like this,
you start to love more.
you start to get starry eyed,
then you swear the stars in the night sky
are calling you
so you reach and reach
but you can never reach them.
you start to go crazy
and then you start to glow
and then you turn to stone.

journal 19

no one will ever understand why i did it.
no one will get why i killed them all.
and it wasn't because they teased me.
or that they poured live worms all over me.
it was because of the devil in them.
they all were.
the devil influenced them to
tease and
mock and
hurt me.
but did they care?
they just had sex
and partyed all night.
while i made my move.

journal 21

i cant say i hate life.
but i cant say i love it either.
some people think im crazy.
but what is crazy?
eating pickled cabbage
even though i hate spicy foods?
killing my family bacause
the baby wouldnt shut up?
liking icecream and pizza
or pushing myself into a river
so i would get attention?
what is crazy?
is it me?
or is it you who is the crazy one?
maybe im normal.

journal 20

i can feel it. 
i reach out 
looking for it. 
i can't find it. 
i start to panic. 
where is it? 
i scream 
i shout but no one 
is coming 
for me 
i try to open my eyes. 
i cant. 
it is like there is a lock 
and i do not have the key 
i scream and claw at the air. 
it has been 1...2 hours? 
what did i do to deserve this. 
to not be able to speak. 
to not be able to see? 
i stand. 
i will not be the victem. 
i open my eyes. 
and i say two words. 
" good morning. "

journal 22

my pain is an essentual
to your survival
because you feed off of it
like a starving beast.
i cannot control you.
nor can i deny you.
you say you love me but its a lie.
what am i to do when someone tells me
that they love me then
accuse me of lieing
and abuse me?
what am i to do
when i love them
and want them to be happy
even if it is
abusing me?

journal 23

love is nothing
without a touch
a thouaght
a understanding
so love does not exist until
you have touched it
thought of it
and understanded it.
if you do not have this then 
what good are you to love?
love has only standards for
the right person.
and it will not stand
anything less

journal 18

lately i have been interested in the 1920's style and how it was then. iv decided to do a comic about it. the reason for this is because i have a story setting that is sort of like sherlock (bbc tv show really good you should watch) but instead of a male lead it is going to be a female lead. her name is going to be crystal cloves. people do not really know who she is or even that she is a woman. she does not come out of public until, she meets a young man named John Watson (soooo original right?) . any ways when they meet John is trying to find his new place when he is mugged. crystal find's him lying on the ground uncauntious, and thinks he is dead. she finds he is not and is upset. but she takes him home. when he wakes up he finds himself in her house. after staring at all her... "collections", he meets her butler george.
 well thats all for now.

cuurent event 6 
i found this interesting, because i dident know that they would want these type of degrees but apparently they do. i didnt know they would really pay attention to those type of stuff. for example mosty people dont want to be an accountant, buissniss man, or an financing person. i can see computer and information science's because there are a lot of people who want to do that type of thing. for example, i have my friend ryan who is super smart and understands that type of thing. he wants to do computers and make stuff like that and wants to be scientist. as for engineering, my brother is great with that type of stuff. i can see him desighning and building the next newest car model.

current event 5
i agree with this article. you have to be carefull with what you buy. for example, my mother got me this ipod that was just a nano, but still it shouldve worked right? wrong. it worked terrible and wouldnt let me go back to a song. it would only let me pause and play. after a while i got annoyed and just dident touch it for many months. but then somehow it got lost :\
some of the tchnogoly deals you see online and stuff are just a bunch of bs. dont believe everything you hear or see anywhere. make sure you investagate the item and research it to see if its exactly what you want.

current events 4 
this is super cool. iv never seen any thing like this! :D
its interesting to see what people come up with and then i think about all my ideas.
i like this article because i think it kinda encourages people to do stuff we arent used to :)
like for example my problem.
but i just thought this was interesting.
she collected all those wrappers for a year and 6 months?!?!?!
isent that amazing?!
i wouldve given up eventually but she was strong and wanted to prove them all wrong!
so this is really cool. i also wouldnt have the guts to wear it to prom :\
so ya...

journal 17: POPTARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

like like 
oh my gawd 
like like
oh my gawd 

teens out running about 
hungry for some action 
for the rush of the wind 
for the ocean waves
for the heat of the sun  
for some love 
and we dance all night 
not giving a damn what will 
happen tomorrow
not a care in the world 
for what our parents will say 
tomorrow can wait

dance while you can 
love while you can 
cause when you don't care 
cause when you don't care
you wont see the change 
you don't see the change
when your and adult 
life sucks 


journal 16: poptarts!!!!!!!

feel the beat
feel the rhythm
feel the electric sho-ock
feel the movement
feel my hearts desire
decode me

you say you never had this
feeling before
but before dusk
and before the dawn
go back and see
what you won
and what you lost

feel the heat
feel the momentum
feel the sonic sho-ots
feel the improvement
feel my hearts desire
decode me

see the words
fall from my mouth
see the thought's
circle in the sky
dance until you're on fire
dance to your hearts desire
feel my hearts desire
decode me

journal 15: poptarts!!!!!

promise me 
that we will always be together 
that you'll never leave my side 
that the world may shoot us down 
but we'll smile it through 
love me forever  
trust me forever 
die for me forever 

the thing about love is 
it never will trust you 
it never will let you touch it 
because the love you want 
is broken 
and hurt 
from all the past 
whips and lashes 

promise me 
that you'll shine brighter than the stars 
that you'll go farther then the expectations 
that none of those scary monsters 
will kill you with their lies 
shine for me forever 
go farther for me forever 
kill for me forever 


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

journal 14: bleh

im going to die.
not because of the fact someone is pointing a gun at me. or the fact i have a cureless disease. nor the fact that i am about to jump off a cliff. it is all because of you. why you may ask? well i dont know! keep reading you twit and youll find out later on!
when we fall... 
im running as fast as i can. 
i have to get away! i have to get away! i go toward the alley. knowing full well that it is not a safe place for a young lady as i am. i run though and go into the alley seeking shelter. but alkl i find are giant hands that reach over and grab me fast, making sure i do not go anywhere. i am scared. my breathing is fast and short. i feel pain. i find myself staring up into the rain. it drips onto my face. i do not feel the pain. but sweet silence. it covers me and wraps me up in a blanket. so tired. so sleepy.... 
i look down at the corpse and step on my cigarette. its a damn shame when a young girl dies.

CURRENT EVENT 3: ummmm....what? this crap? I'm sorry but what? this makes no sense. OK i get the whole the native Americans were here first and i totally agree (not cause i happen to have Cherokee and black foot in me..... psh its not at all!!!!
..... i think?) but dude this happened like what? 100 years ago? stop living in the past and look to the future people! if they want rush more so badly then fine GIVE IT TO THEM! i don't see why people are fighting over something so stupid.

journal 13: strawberrys....

throw your hands in the air 
its not a surrender 
red as blood 
and sweet on your tongue
fall into the darkness 
its not a threat 
tasty as can be 
need it as it is

strawberry love 
strawberry love
it can only go so far 
so far and wide 
you didn't have to 
do what you did 
but you did anyway 
and now im alone. 

dieing is eeeeasy 
if its for someone you love 
the pain is exhilarating if you just 
have that sweet taste on your tongue
that red blood slip through your fingers 
have it as it is 
and love the strawberry 

strawberry love 
strawberry love
it can only go so far 
so far and wide
i didn't have to 
do what i did 
but i did anyway 
and now she's safe 

strawberry love can only go so 
strawberry love can only go so 
strawberry love can only go so-o-ooo..... 
far and wide  
and deep and shallow 
and crystal clear 
and beautiful from within 
and great and trustworthy 
and feeling so good 
that strawberry love. 

ok thats enough dubstep and strawbeery mix for today O.o

Monday, May 7, 2012

journal 12: please oh please let me be dead.

  • about an hour ago
    Savannah JB Roys
    • Cassie is dating my now ex Lucas!!!! 
  • about an hour ago
    Monica Wilson
    • nooooooooo......
  • about an hour ago
    Savannah JB Roys
    • Yes. Haven told me and its true
  • about an hour ago
    Monica Wilson
    • i was just over at her house. we were talking and she was confused why you two broke up

      • about an hour ago
        Savannah JB Roys
        • I dnt care who lucas dates, but in less than an hour????? and my bestie
      • about an hour ago
        Monica Wilson
        • i dont get why you think she would do that....
      • about an hour ago
        Savannah JB Roys
        • I have specific reasons 4 breaking up with him
        • me either!!!!!!!!!!!!
      • about an hour ago
        Monica Wilson
        • ok why 

          • about an hour ago
            Monica Wilson
            • ok where is this pick
            • ?
          • about an hour ago
            Savannah JB Roys
            • He untagged it.
            • So i wldnt find out. But haven commented on the pics he had tagged of him and cassie
          • ...... 
            • about an hour ago
              Monica Wilson
              • she likes daneil not lucas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            • about an hour ago
              Savannah JB Roys
              • Well, shes dating Lucas. U can evn ask him
            • about an hour ago
              Monica Wilson
              • im NOT relying on a guy who may or may not be who he is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
            • about an hour ago
              Savannah JB Roys
              • He may be an ass, but he dosnt lie 

                wateves. cassie says herself she s not
                Monica Wilson
                Savannah JB Roys
                about an hour ago
                She says ther not dating?
                about an hour ago
                yeah. apparently she thinks hes nice but she dont know him. shes been making him feel better and apparently he got the wrong message
                Savannah JB Roys

                about an hour ago
                Savannah JB Roys
                Cuz Lucas is calling her milina and tagged pics of her and says their dating 
                did you ever think that MAYBE,just maybe he was trying to tag this "milena" and instead he tagged cassie?
                about an hour ago
                Milina means my girl in italian
                about an hour ago 
                EMO BOY  
                  • WHO
                  • IS
                  • A
                  • JACK@#$%^%

          • about an hour ago
            Monica Wilson
            • cassie isnt! ive been talking to her and she has been saying, and i qoute,
          • about an hour ago
            Monica Wilson
            • "ok its really omplicated
              hes nice and all
              but i dont know him
              im trying to make him feel better" 

              She told him she loves him
              about an hour ago
              she is being her nice sweet self and hes either taking advantage of it or
              about an hour ago
              her "nice sweet self." should hav told me first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
              about an hour ago
              she loves daniel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
                • team daniel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                • foreveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr
              • about an hour ago
                Savannah JB Roys
                • well shes team Lucas
                • or team twotimer
              • about an hour ago
                Monica Wilson
                • NO SHE ISENT 

                      • I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT CASSIE WOULDNT DO THAT!!!!!!!!!!1
                  ya she isIm going to believe Haven who ive known forevr and saw it.
                  about an hour ago
                  all the drama of an average teen.