Sunday, May 27, 2012

journal 44:

my mummy wont help me with my wrist!!!!!!!!!! it hurts!!!!!!!!!!!!! D:  but does mummy care? nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! she just wants me to do the kitchen cause ty aint here :(
mummy doesnt understand
why i am the way i am
she doesnt get how i am able
to ignore my duties and chores
she doesnt get how lazy i can be
she also doesnt understand
why i am so stubborn
why i stand for what i think
and why i will argue no matter what the situation
and how after all of that
can understand others oppinions
she also doesnt get why i try to help
all my friends and family
why i wont help myself
and why i am
short parody to FALLEN....

Cam stared out into the open sky and closed his eyes. Why did it always end up like this…. It was only a kiss. He smiled grimly as the song played through his head. He tried to get up when he was painfully reminded that Gabbe was still there. And he was reminded with a fist. He winced and coughed and tried to fight back. It was useless. Like falling in love with Luce….


He got up and then punched Gabbe Square in the gut. She sighed and round kicked him. He spit on the ground and growled. She rolled her eyes “very attractive…”
She kicked him then, in the gut and he crashed into an oak. Ouch. He looked up and saw Gabbe as she always was. Annoyingly pretty, he liked to call her type. The ones with the little cute accent, the perfect blonde hair that flowed in just the right way, and the always-perfect nails. He grimaced. Disgusting. He got up and put his fists up. Just about when he was going to punch her in the face she ran away. He shook his head. What the hell? He shrugged and sat on the stone dry ground and leaned against the oak. Cam looked up into the branches and leaves.

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