Wednesday, May 16, 2012

current event 10
weird. thats all i gotta say. so this article talks about how this couple have been living in their house and one day they were being happy couple selves ("look i found a new deit book!" "stop it woman! you dont need to be any more skinnier!" "but i weigh over 80 pounds!") when BANG! ("ahhhh i got shot honey!!!!" "noooo not my wife!!") ahem.... when bam! a car hit their house!("ahhhh! theres a stranger in our house!" ".....") the guy lived (im alive yaaay!) but had to pay a lot of money for house insurance. (noooooo!) and so they were happy again. but then later... ("i want shoes wade! buy me shooooes!" "hold on WOMAN! i am watching foot ball like the man i am!" "SHOOOOOES!") when bam again! another car in their house. (" ahhhhhh!!!!! crazy woman wanting shoes!!!!") and again the person was safe but had to pay money for house insurance ("nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!")  and then again.... ("WADE!WHERE IS MY DIETING MAGAZINE!!!!!!!" "i burned it." "you what?!?!?") and then bam again. and excedra excedra.... anyways house gets hit a fourth time. and then they want a boulder ("WADE! BUY US A BOULDER SO OUR HOUSE IS PROTECTED!!!! AND BUY ME SHOOES!!!!" "..... let me get my checkbook.")

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