Wednesday, May 23, 2012

current event 13 
so i was looking through these article's and i found this one interesting (no i found it boring and im just gonna write about like i find it interesting... PSHHHH YEAH RIGHT!)  so i started reading and i started thinking that maybe i didnt wake up on the right side of the oyster  
(..... O3o ) but then i find out that it was true and it is actually talking about robot fishies 
( [*=*] + O3o = {*3*} ?) its like in one of those scifi books where they can travel through space ( star trek) and travelthrough time (doctor who) in a robot fish!!!!! (.....?) doesnt that make sense???? (actually i think your on something and no. please stay on subject...) FISH!!!! (...) any ways, what they did was put them in the ocean like real fishies and you know what they do? they eat pollution!!!! they nom on that stuff alllllll day :D (... wrong again. what they actually do is collect data and tell the people back on land what is going on. it didnt explain whether or not they eat the pollution though....) <.<  no one asked you. (what ever)

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