Monday, May 21, 2012

journal 31: dora dora dora the explorrrraaaaaaa! part 1

i looked around, breathing in in annoyance. i glared into the burning desert ahead, sweat trickling down my brow and making my shirt cling uncomfortabley to my body. i stopped my pacing and turned around, smiling.
" well if it isent my lousy so called of a friend. do you know how long iv been out here boots?"
boots, my best friend, rolls his eyes and sigh's. boots is a monkey, with gray fur all over his body except on his hands and the tip of his tail. on his feet, hence his name, are big red boots. he looked at me with his big brown eyes and put one hand on his waist, the other pointing at me.
" you try getting past mrs. franchise! she sent me to detention and gave me this HUUUGE speach about responsibility and actually doing your homework.... and now i have to turn in 10 papers explaining whats important to me..."
i rolled my eyes, "thats not hard at all!"
"in spanish." he said sulking. i flinched. ouch. boots never could write or even talk in spanish at all. i had tried when we were younger, to teach him how to read speak and write in spanish. he never could do it, even when i tried to teach him the basics. boot's and i are both in highschool, boots is a freshman, and im a junior. we both went to a normal scool full of normal people, and lived with normal families and were to other people, normal. but we were very far from normal. my name is dora, dora the explorar, and he is boots, my trusty sidekick. we were chosen to protect people from danger. we were also chosen to bring justice to the wanted crimanals. and if i do say so myself, it is the best job to ever have.
i looked down and grabbed my backpack out of boot's hands. i set it down and said backpack backpack. i stared at the backpack. it sat on the dusty hard ground. nothing. i glared at it and repeated the words backpack backpack. still nothing. i glared at it and kept repeating it. i felt the anger boil up in me and i repeating it, with a fearious tone.
"backpack, backpack, backpack, backpack, backpack, BACKTHE FREAKINGPACK!!!!! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THIS THING!!!!" i kicked the backpack and then picked it up and through it on the ground.

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