Wednesday, May 23, 2012

current event 14
awwwwwwwwwww!!!! so adorable!!!!!! (yep)so this article talks about a little three yearold boy who lives in china. he was witrh his grandfather because his parents were out working( " now grandson you must not let aliens take you or let some americans make you famous or go out into the middle of the street dancing around.... oh and dont go outside of china. understoood?" " yes grandfather!") so then the boy decided to go and visit his mummy ("mommy!!!!") so he waited untill his grandfather went to the bathroom ( " now dont do what i told you not to do ok?" "yes grandfather!") and then he grabs his toy motercycle (if its not a harley its crap!!!) and went 1.3 miles until he got to an intesection ("weeeeeeeeee!!!" see's intersection. should i go and cross it?) and without hesitating went through it (like a boss!!!!!!) and wheezed past cars ( ha! cant get me!) trucks (suckers!!!!) and even buses (like a pro wrestler smashes into the weak, i shall endure to the end!!!!!!!!!!) but then a traffic policemen stops him. (  :[  )  so he is returned to his grandfather (gets out of bathroom. see's boy missing. " aw crap.... the americans got him...") and he say and i quote:
"Asked later by Zhang whether he was scared at any point, the boy merely shrugged and said he had already learned how to cross a street."

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