Tuesday, May 15, 2012

current event 7

this article is really weird, and kinda (actually REALLY) gross and twisted. it talks about how some of the stuff they used back in the medeival times is still used today (but not as painfull or cruel  ._. )one of the things they talked about was maggot therapy. this is used if you got some decaying skin and what you do is (somehow) get a bunch of maggots (you know find a dead body and get some of those suckers... im sure the dead person wont mind....  O.O ) and then put them where the decaying skin. (if they end up eating you sorry :D ) now how the heck did someone figure this out?!?! i mean you cant just be all like, "hmm i got some decaying skin i think ill put a bunch of bloody maggots on it and see what'll happen."! i dont think anyone would be that stupid! >:|  any ways so this doctor guy was working on his patient and saw some decaying skin ( uhm... ew?) and then for some reason didnt like hack it off ( "oh look decaying skin that could kill my patient....oh well not my problem!" your the doctor so it is your problem!) and guess where the decaying skin was? (.....) the skull! (oh yeah of course hahahaaa.... dont judge me O>O ) so he was about to leave the poor sucker when he saw that there were a bunch of maggots in this guys skull ( "hey doc how am i doin?" "oh just fine you just got a bunch of maggots in your head, so your just fine!" "oh thats great..wait what?!?!" ) and then he decides to leave them there. well it turns out it actually works. (WHAT...) the maggots eat alll of the decaying dead skin and then leave the rest of it alone.( unless they get hungry...) this is still used today. (oh and by the way take the maggots OUT after they eat the decaying skin.....)
(oh and i also find out they eat infection too.... katniss wouldve liked to have some of these little guys when peeta was sick {hungergames}) i will continue in the next current event....

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