Friday, September 30, 2011

11th journal entry: what was youre elementry school?

my old elementry school was braitain elementry. it is in springfeild eugene where it will soon be destroyed. i dont know why they would though. that school, is the best schol in the whole universe. it has nice office ladies and the most awsome teachers ever. thanks to one of them ( Mr. Tracey) i am here. if it hadent been him, i would have failed 4th and 5th grade. reason is becuase i went to a different school. they thought i was "special" and needed "special" care. they treated me like i was the dumbest person in the world. i dident learn how to do multipley and divide, i learned how to add and subtract, again. i finally got out. but when i got into my classes i dident know how to spell well , do math, or even read. mr. tracey knew what to do though. he understood how i learned and think. he helped me easily and by the end of the year. i even got addicted to books. i loved braiten elementry. but now their going to destroy it. i am happy to say that even if thats true i still get to see it before they destroy.

10th post: whats youre least favorite thing to do?

10th post: whats youre least favorite thing to do?

im sad to admit this but i absolutley hate to excirsice. i like to walk but not too far. i guess thats why i dont do sports. the main reason is becuase its just so annoying to have youre sides burning, i just sometimes wanna itch them. but i dont cuase that would be really weird. im just saying. 
i dont really know what else to say. i also dont like it when there is a lot of noise. if its music im fine with it. becuase i love music. i feel free and am more relaxed when i listen to it. anyways, i dont like a lot of noise becuase it just distracts me and/or its yelling. i hate yelling. i never have. thats why i dont like football games. or concerts that much. i can go and be alright as long as i have my friends and theres music. at home its really hard. whenever i hear yelling my head starts to therob and a shiver runs down my arms. when i yell its worse. my head starts feeling like theres liquid fire and i am shaking inside and out. when i yell it hurts my voice and then i start crying.... which i hate. and thats why i dont try to yell. i also try to have everyone else not yell, but thats near to impossible. they yell to tell everyone its time for dinner or that mom wants you or to shut up. but i guess lifes like that.

ninth post: whos youre favorite pet?

My favorite pet is my cat ZoĆ«. She is a calico. When I first got her it was almost my birthday, around…. August. We were looking for cats online because I really wanted one. I had begged my mom   a million times to get me one (since we only had switchfoot and a hampster.) and when she finally said yes i was really happy. i couldnt wait untill we got my kitten. well we ended up looking for kittens online. we found two kittens who were only a month old and needed a home  in another month. i was really excited and couldnt wait till i got to see them. i waited and waited and waited and waited, but it still wasent time. i got very unpatient. by the time it was time to get them i had gotten so impatient that i almost drove the car. but my mom stopped me before i could. im really embarresed now on how i acted back then. the woman who had the kittens was very nice and told us what they couldnt and could eat. when i held zoe i felt so happy. but she just felt hungry. she kept on crying out and wouldnt stay in one place. i couldnt handle it after a while and just gave her a small hand full of food. her sister then wanted food to. i gave her some to and she just gobbled it up. i guess they are both piggys (they still are to this day.) i got to show all my friends and my grandma my new kitten and my sisters too. im happy to say they are still alive and switchfoot has learned to live with them.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

eighth entry: something that cuaght youre eye today...

today i was having lunch as usual, sitting alone, when the group that called me over yesterday well, called me over again. i said sure as usual and sat down. i ate my lunch and listened to their conversations. it was all crazy and weird as usual, when all of a sudden one of the guys (lets call him poem man- you'll find out soon why) any ways poem man said " you do know you are all my freshman right? " i stared at him and thought what?  what do you mean you're freshmen? When the other guy (his name is now bob) said  " but I'm a sophomore," poem man said jokingly " you're a freshman" then bob says " you're a freshman!" they keep going on like this when poem man says " you're a jerk." then it stopped and poem man talked about how that always stopped an argument and stuff. i sat there listening smiling and laughing 'at something funny. then most of them got finished eating and left. it was just me 2 girls and poem man. now i will tell you why i called him poem man. he said he would be right back and left. when he came back he had a little binder with him. he asked us what type of poem we wanted. the girl next to me and i said depressing and the other girl said i dont know. he gave us a happy poem. i read it and smiled. it was really good. i told him this and he luaghed and said no and it was a peice of crap. i smiled cuase it reminds me of myself cause i dont think my art is any good. but youre youre own worst critic. but that what i noticed today. his poems. cuase they are truley amazing.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

seventh entry: how was youre first real day in Tera Nova?

when i entered the school i was pretty nervous that no one would really like me or that someone would tell me to get out of there cause i didn't belong. but instead i had people who smiled at me and welcomed me. some even introduced themselves and showed me to the class i was supposed to go to. there was really only one person there i knew. we had met at Conestoga and he didn't like me at all right away. i didn't mind though. I'm used to people hating me and/or being rude to me. i just avoided him as much as i could. so i was introduced and a bunch of people gave friendly hellos and welcomes. i was really happy. when i got into art someone without even asking told me what to do for art. she gave me specific instructions on what to do for it. i was very happy about this. i said thank you but she only smiled. i went and did as i was told then and had fun sketching the leaves. i went to my next class happily, but still shy, and sat down by myself. someone sat down next to me and smiled. i smiled back but then tried to concentrate on what was going on. after this was lunch. i was alright with being alone at this time. its good to have time to think. i sat down with my lunch happy as a bird  and ate my lunch. of course i always have trouble eating stuff like burritos and chicken wraps. i think they don't really like me. it pretty much discombobulated on my plate so i had to get a fork.
once i was done with my wrap. i was just starting to eat my grapes when a teacher came and said worryingly "do you not want to be introduced to some new people?" i smiled at her saying saying 
"its fine." i went back to my grapes and popped one in my mouth. "are you sure? i don't like seeing you sitting here all alone." pop."no really its fine." smile. "okay, just wanted to check on you." she walks away to another teacher. i smile. what a nice teacher. i go back to my grapes popping them in my mouth admiring their delicious flavor. i notice both of the other groups are staring at me. one of them was smaller than the other with people who mostly wore black. i always thought id be apart of that particular group of people. but instead i was invited over to the bigger group which had tons of colors and laughing people. i was used to crazy people inviting me over to groups but normal people? (my definition is different than other people, some would say that that group was crazy.) i decided to join them anyway and gathered up my stuff. of course i9 forgot that my piece of paper was in my hand so it ripped while i got my backpack over my shoulder. i sighed and went over to them. i had fun. they joked around while i covered my face so they wouldn't hear my laugh. i hate my laugh. i think its terrible. they thought i was scared because of this. they told the guy at the table that his face had frightened me. i explained to them i actually thought they were funny and that my friends were crazier. they were shocked. they all laughed and said they felt sorry for me. i smiled secretly and thought if only you truly new me. i went to my other classes happily with the same manners and niceness. i was happy with the results. im still happy about them.

sixth post: tell a short story of a time you got lost.

When i was about five years old we went to Disneyland. We were having tons of fun, what with the rides and such. we went to a certain area where there were animals. I was a little kid who was in Disneyland full of sugar and Adrenalin near a bunch of animals who looked pretty. What could go wrong? A lot of things. I let go of my aunts hand because i wanted to check out the pretty pink and blue birds. I yelled "I'm gonna see the birdies Shanny!!!" to her but she probably couldn't hear me over all the noise. I rushed over in front of the cage and just stared at the birds in wonder. About 20 minutes later i was ready to go. I turned around and was saying "OK I'm ready to go!!!" when i noticed something. My aunt wasn't there. My three cousins weren't there. My brother, my sister, my grandma, and my dad were just not there.How would you feel if it was hot and there were a lot of strangers around you and you were somewhere you didn't recognise and the other fact you're just a kid. I at first felt surprised then I felt scared. Scared that they wouldn't find me scared that I was all alone! I started to tremble. What will they do to me if my parents come? Then came the water works. I cried and sat down. What will i do? I had thought at the time. What will i eat? Where will i sleep? I cried even more. All of a sudden i hear some one. I look up to find a nice looking lady on her knees in front of me. She was saying " Are you alright?" In a nice worried voice. I shook my head no. " Can you talk?" she asked . I nod but still say nothing. My mother and father always told me not to talk to strangers, no matter how nice they are. She stared at me then sighed muttering something like " Kids these days" she then looked around and asked another  question."Where's you're parents?" I looked up and say against my will
" I don't know!!! But i want them! I don't wanna be alone!" The nice woman stares at me, surprised, then sighs and says "You're not alone. You got me. Listen, why don't we put you in the lost and found so the people here can find you're parents and bring them to you?". I nodded and went with her. Few minutes later my family comes and 'saves' me and then i get grounded for when we get home since i ran off. I had  never been happier in my entire life though.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

it has taken years for these scientits to find what they were looking for. looking under rocks and flashing flashlights whenever they here a croak. happily the have found them now though. well its paid off for they have found 12 new frog species and 3 frog species that were thought extinct. its really hard for these scientists to get funding to protect these frogs since india is focusing on elephants and tigers to protect. 
"Frogs are extremely important indicators not just of climate change, but also pollutants in the environment," said the project's lead scientist, biologist Sathyabhama Das Biju of the University of Delhi.
these frogs are also extremeley hard to find. they are night frogs. there are 3 reasons why night frogs are hard to find:
one: they live on moist forest ground
two:they can also live in fast streams
three: they come out only at dark and during the monsoon season
and here are some of the cute frogs:
the meowing night frog, whose croak sounds more like a cat's call, the jog night frog, unique in that both the males and females watch over the eggs, and the Wayanad night frog, which grows to about the size of a baseball or cricket ball.
im glad i read this article. it was cute and slightly funny.

current event: dinosuar killing a mystery now

at reading this i thought what? but i thought they had solid proof that that's what happened!
but apparently that isn't the case, scientists (WISE group) that there is no evidence of this actually happening. apparently the asteroid they thought that had broke off more than 160 million years actually broke off more than 80 million years ago. how they figured this out was by studying the main belts of mars and Jupiter finding the ancestors of the original asteroid. they found in their studies that fact. they got this also by the fact that it takes more than ten million years for an asteroid to arrive to earth.
when i read this article i was very intrigued by the fact that it takes an asteroid more than ten million years to reach our planet. other than that it was really boring. i know that it may excite scientists and all but it completely bores me out of my mind. but i also couldn't find any other article so..... had to use what i got. here's what the people had to say:
NASA scientist Amy Mainzer said: "This process is thought to normally take many tens of millions of years."
Another NASA expert, Lindley Johnson, said: "As a result of the WISE science team's investigation, the demise of the dinosaurs remains in the cold case files.
"The original calculations with visible light estimated the size and reflectivity of the Baptistina family members, leading to estimates of their age, but we now know those estimates were off.
"With infrared light, WISE was able to get a more accurate estimate, which throws the timing of the Baptistina theory into question."
So the asteroid family that produced the dinosaur-killing remnant remains at large.

CURRENT EVENTS: Traffic light camera scam steals your identity

where i got this artical:
the article is about these scammers who call you up on the phone to tell you that you have a 'late red light ticket fee' and that if you dont pay right then and there (on the phone) then they will get a warrant and take you to court and make you pay. in the article it explains that we dont notice that its a scam, becuase we usually just pay off the fee if we are cuaght running a red light .
it also talks about how they give you a phony identification number and give an excuse like "their calling from a different office" or "they have a new number that hasn't been set up yet." the "traffic cop" will ask for your credit card information, including the security code. and then the guy will call you again to tell you that you were wrongley convicted and/or they thought it was youre car but its someone elses.
when i started reading this i thought that it was probably something dumb and stuff, but then i started reading some more and realized that this was serious. it can happen to anyone really. im really glad that i read this article, it was pretty interesting and dident have me i was reading this i thought about all the times my mom has gotten calls and dient answer them becuase she dident know the number. i think i understand why now understand why. heres something i dont get though, why do people have credt cards anyways? why do they give their money to a random stranger even though they now that they have the risk of identity theft. why dont people just put their money somewhere like a basement or a giant vase or in a giant piggy bank? i really dont understand this.
article by: Jessica Citizen 
 Mon, Sep 19, 2011 2:02 PM 

5th entry: What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Why do you like it? Describe the taste.

My favorite ice cream would have to be-green tea ice cream. The reason I like it so much is because it's, well, strange but pleasant-like me!
Anyways I first got a taste when I went to sushi with my friend Cassie and her family this summer. I wanted to try something new and when I got there but didn't know what to get( sushi wise) I then saw a little menu that said that they had red bean ice cream and green tea ice cream. I wanted to try out the green tea because I had seen a sign at Dairy Queen one time that said that a green tea blizzard was popular there. When I saw the sign I thought that it sounded delicious and that I wish I could have some. But they didn't have any there. So I tried it and loved it! It was strange though. I asked my friend to try it and tell me what she thought and she said " It tastes strange but good all at the same time."
Her little sister would beg a differ at that though.
Now the texture is strange and smooth. The taste is sharp and tingles your tongue. When it starts to melt you can taste the tea. It's really good.

fourth entry: what was youre favorite toy in youre childhood?

i actually dident have  favorite toy. i had my blanky . it had mini mouse on it and i absolutley adored it. my favorite thing about it was the fact that my parents dident care about where i took it or how dirty i got it. they would let me do whatever i wanted with it. now that im older im fairly suspicious about this and im starting to think that they may have had a huge pile of them in their room. anyways i loved my blanket so much that i wouldnt let it out of my sight. when i went over to someones house i had my blanky. when i went to a musem i had my blanky. when i went to school i would sneek my blanky in my backpack. so pretty much i went every where with it and did everything with it. after my grandpa died i was even more attached to it. i wouldnt let go it no matter what. and if someone got lucky and snatched it away from me, i would start crying and throwing a fit and wouldnt stop till i got back my blanket.
when i started to finally get less attached to it my dad told me that we were moving. i was very sad to hear this becuase i loved my house and street. after we had moved and gor settled in the new house i noticed that i couldnt find my blankie. i looked everywher for it but had no luck what soever. i think my parents decided to take it away in hopes i would forget about it. i did eventually

third entry: what is youre favorite tv show?

my favorite tv show is ,i may sound like a huge nerd when i say this but , startrek voyager. it is the only star trek with a woman captain, which i dont get ( maybe they were trying to be sexist.......) . i have to watch all of the old startrek stuff cuase they havent made any new startrek stuff ( except for the new one with the guy from heros as spock....) though im kinda glad they havent cuase then in the first episode they would be having sex or be cussing at someone else like its ok to cuss. so im kinda gld that they havent. my other favorite tv show is doctor who. it is an english tv show that is based on a guy named the doctor. hes a alein. who travles thru time. in a blue police box. and its the best show in the whole wide universe. he usually has some chick with him that either falls despratley in love with him or is one of his best of buds ever. they travel thru time and visit other planets and usually saves them and doesnt get credit for. some people call him the enemy some call him the hero. and some think hes a legend. it has a very interesting plot and the storys are awsome. i forgot to mention this though. every time he dies he turns into a new doctor with a new face a new attitude and all of that jazz.... but hes awsome either way.

second journal entry: make up a short story

maria looked up to find her math teacher standing right over her. she opened her mouth and yawned looking down at her desk she froze terrified at what she saw. she whipped her head toward her teacher and started to ramble. 
" im so sorry teacher! i dident know - you i- i dident get any sleep last night studying so hard and- im sooooooo sorry teacher! i dident mean to-" she gulped up some air and stared nervousley at her teacher. her teacher had the same stern look on her face as she ussually did. 
why me? maria thought in her head , i always turn in my work! i never have gone to sleep during a test before... 
maria watched horrified as the teacher snatched her test and walked over to her desk. maria watched as she wrote something on her test and walk back to her desk and put the test in front of her. maria grabbed it and read what was on it. she stopped for a moment and then started to luagh histarocley. maria got up grabbed the test and her backpack and went home. 
on the test it said: 
dear miss maria, 
please be informed that you did pass the test but slept thru the rest of it and school itself! i could not arouse you from youre sleep so i left you where you were. might i ask that you please go home and get some rest? and please check youre calander for i think it may be of use to you.
satrday, october 22 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011

first journal entry: whats youre favorite color and why?

my favorite color would be scarlet becuase, it is so vibrant and bright and lively! i really enjoy the color... i also like it becuase it really stands out. for example, if some one was to where a scarlet shirt and walk right into the crowd you would still be able to see them. (but there is the problem that  someone else may be wearing a scarlet shirt too....) fun fact:  I used to say when i was a kid that my favorite color was the rainbow. a lot of people look at me and say`what?` or just think i was some crazy kid. what i was trying to say was that i liked all the colors and couldnt one out specifiley. but yeah thats my favorite color.

Monica's first blog.....

here I am
now what?