Tuesday, September 20, 2011

5th entry: What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Why do you like it? Describe the taste.

My favorite ice cream would have to be-green tea ice cream. The reason I like it so much is because it's, well, strange but pleasant-like me!
Anyways I first got a taste when I went to sushi with my friend Cassie and her family this summer. I wanted to try something new and when I got there but didn't know what to get( sushi wise) I then saw a little menu that said that they had red bean ice cream and green tea ice cream. I wanted to try out the green tea because I had seen a sign at Dairy Queen one time that said that a green tea blizzard was popular there. When I saw the sign I thought that it sounded delicious and that I wish I could have some. But they didn't have any there. So I tried it and loved it! It was strange though. I asked my friend to try it and tell me what she thought and she said " It tastes strange but good all at the same time."
Her little sister would beg a differ at that though.
Now the texture is strange and smooth. The taste is sharp and tingles your tongue. When it starts to melt you can taste the tea. It's really good.

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