Tuesday, September 20, 2011

CURRENT EVENTS: Traffic light camera scam steals your identity

where i got this artical:
the article is about these scammers who call you up on the phone to tell you that you have a 'late red light ticket fee' and that if you dont pay right then and there (on the phone) then they will get a warrant and take you to court and make you pay. in the article it explains that we dont notice that its a scam, becuase we usually just pay off the fee if we are cuaght running a red light .
it also talks about how they give you a phony identification number and give an excuse like "their calling from a different office" or "they have a new number that hasn't been set up yet." the "traffic cop" will ask for your credit card information, including the security code. and then the guy will call you again to tell you that you were wrongley convicted and/or they thought it was youre car but its someone elses.
when i started reading this i thought that it was probably something dumb and stuff, but then i started reading some more and realized that this was serious. it can happen to anyone really. im really glad that i read this article, it was pretty interesting and dident have me snoring.as i was reading this i thought about all the times my mom has gotten calls and dient answer them becuase she dident know the number. i think i understand why now understand why. heres something i dont get though, why do people have credt cards anyways? why do they give their money to a random stranger even though they now that they have the risk of identity theft. why dont people just put their money somewhere like a basement or a giant vase or in a giant piggy bank? i really dont understand this.
article by: Jessica Citizen 
 Mon, Sep 19, 2011 2:02 PM 
on yahoo.com

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