Wednesday, September 21, 2011

sixth post: tell a short story of a time you got lost.

When i was about five years old we went to Disneyland. We were having tons of fun, what with the rides and such. we went to a certain area where there were animals. I was a little kid who was in Disneyland full of sugar and Adrenalin near a bunch of animals who looked pretty. What could go wrong? A lot of things. I let go of my aunts hand because i wanted to check out the pretty pink and blue birds. I yelled "I'm gonna see the birdies Shanny!!!" to her but she probably couldn't hear me over all the noise. I rushed over in front of the cage and just stared at the birds in wonder. About 20 minutes later i was ready to go. I turned around and was saying "OK I'm ready to go!!!" when i noticed something. My aunt wasn't there. My three cousins weren't there. My brother, my sister, my grandma, and my dad were just not there.How would you feel if it was hot and there were a lot of strangers around you and you were somewhere you didn't recognise and the other fact you're just a kid. I at first felt surprised then I felt scared. Scared that they wouldn't find me scared that I was all alone! I started to tremble. What will they do to me if my parents come? Then came the water works. I cried and sat down. What will i do? I had thought at the time. What will i eat? Where will i sleep? I cried even more. All of a sudden i hear some one. I look up to find a nice looking lady on her knees in front of me. She was saying " Are you alright?" In a nice worried voice. I shook my head no. " Can you talk?" she asked . I nod but still say nothing. My mother and father always told me not to talk to strangers, no matter how nice they are. She stared at me then sighed muttering something like " Kids these days" she then looked around and asked another  question."Where's you're parents?" I looked up and say against my will
" I don't know!!! But i want them! I don't wanna be alone!" The nice woman stares at me, surprised, then sighs and says "You're not alone. You got me. Listen, why don't we put you in the lost and found so the people here can find you're parents and bring them to you?". I nodded and went with her. Few minutes later my family comes and 'saves' me and then i get grounded for when we get home since i ran off. I had  never been happier in my entire life though.

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