Tuesday, September 20, 2011

second journal entry: make up a short story

maria looked up to find her math teacher standing right over her. she opened her mouth and yawned looking down at her desk she froze terrified at what she saw. she whipped her head toward her teacher and started to ramble. 
" im so sorry teacher! i dident know - you i- i dident get any sleep last night studying so hard and- im sooooooo sorry teacher! i dident mean to-" she gulped up some air and stared nervousley at her teacher. her teacher had the same stern look on her face as she ussually did. 
why me? maria thought in her head , i always turn in my work! i never have gone to sleep during a test before... 
maria watched horrified as the teacher snatched her test and walked over to her desk. maria watched as she wrote something on her test and walk back to her desk and put the test in front of her. maria grabbed it and read what was on it. she stopped for a moment and then started to luagh histarocley. maria got up grabbed the test and her backpack and went home. 
on the test it said: 
dear miss maria, 
please be informed that you did pass the test but slept thru the rest of it and school itself! i could not arouse you from youre sleep so i left you where you were. might i ask that you please go home and get some rest? and please check youre calander for i think it may be of use to you.
satrday, october 22 2011

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