Wednesday, September 21, 2011

seventh entry: how was youre first real day in Tera Nova?

when i entered the school i was pretty nervous that no one would really like me or that someone would tell me to get out of there cause i didn't belong. but instead i had people who smiled at me and welcomed me. some even introduced themselves and showed me to the class i was supposed to go to. there was really only one person there i knew. we had met at Conestoga and he didn't like me at all right away. i didn't mind though. I'm used to people hating me and/or being rude to me. i just avoided him as much as i could. so i was introduced and a bunch of people gave friendly hellos and welcomes. i was really happy. when i got into art someone without even asking told me what to do for art. she gave me specific instructions on what to do for it. i was very happy about this. i said thank you but she only smiled. i went and did as i was told then and had fun sketching the leaves. i went to my next class happily, but still shy, and sat down by myself. someone sat down next to me and smiled. i smiled back but then tried to concentrate on what was going on. after this was lunch. i was alright with being alone at this time. its good to have time to think. i sat down with my lunch happy as a bird  and ate my lunch. of course i always have trouble eating stuff like burritos and chicken wraps. i think they don't really like me. it pretty much discombobulated on my plate so i had to get a fork.
once i was done with my wrap. i was just starting to eat my grapes when a teacher came and said worryingly "do you not want to be introduced to some new people?" i smiled at her saying saying 
"its fine." i went back to my grapes and popped one in my mouth. "are you sure? i don't like seeing you sitting here all alone." pop."no really its fine." smile. "okay, just wanted to check on you." she walks away to another teacher. i smile. what a nice teacher. i go back to my grapes popping them in my mouth admiring their delicious flavor. i notice both of the other groups are staring at me. one of them was smaller than the other with people who mostly wore black. i always thought id be apart of that particular group of people. but instead i was invited over to the bigger group which had tons of colors and laughing people. i was used to crazy people inviting me over to groups but normal people? (my definition is different than other people, some would say that that group was crazy.) i decided to join them anyway and gathered up my stuff. of course i9 forgot that my piece of paper was in my hand so it ripped while i got my backpack over my shoulder. i sighed and went over to them. i had fun. they joked around while i covered my face so they wouldn't hear my laugh. i hate my laugh. i think its terrible. they thought i was scared because of this. they told the guy at the table that his face had frightened me. i explained to them i actually thought they were funny and that my friends were crazier. they were shocked. they all laughed and said they felt sorry for me. i smiled secretly and thought if only you truly new me. i went to my other classes happily with the same manners and niceness. i was happy with the results. im still happy about them.

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