Friday, September 30, 2011

ninth post: whos youre favorite pet?

My favorite pet is my cat Zoë. She is a calico. When I first got her it was almost my birthday, around…. August. We were looking for cats online because I really wanted one. I had begged my mom   a million times to get me one (since we only had switchfoot and a hampster.) and when she finally said yes i was really happy. i couldnt wait untill we got my kitten. well we ended up looking for kittens online. we found two kittens who were only a month old and needed a home  in another month. i was really excited and couldnt wait till i got to see them. i waited and waited and waited and waited, but it still wasent time. i got very unpatient. by the time it was time to get them i had gotten so impatient that i almost drove the car. but my mom stopped me before i could. im really embarresed now on how i acted back then. the woman who had the kittens was very nice and told us what they couldnt and could eat. when i held zoe i felt so happy. but she just felt hungry. she kept on crying out and wouldnt stay in one place. i couldnt handle it after a while and just gave her a small hand full of food. her sister then wanted food to. i gave her some to and she just gobbled it up. i guess they are both piggys (they still are to this day.) i got to show all my friends and my grandma my new kitten and my sisters too. im happy to say they are still alive and switchfoot has learned to live with them.

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