Friday, September 30, 2011

10th post: whats youre least favorite thing to do?

10th post: whats youre least favorite thing to do?

im sad to admit this but i absolutley hate to excirsice. i like to walk but not too far. i guess thats why i dont do sports. the main reason is becuase its just so annoying to have youre sides burning, i just sometimes wanna itch them. but i dont cuase that would be really weird. im just saying. 
i dont really know what else to say. i also dont like it when there is a lot of noise. if its music im fine with it. becuase i love music. i feel free and am more relaxed when i listen to it. anyways, i dont like a lot of noise becuase it just distracts me and/or its yelling. i hate yelling. i never have. thats why i dont like football games. or concerts that much. i can go and be alright as long as i have my friends and theres music. at home its really hard. whenever i hear yelling my head starts to therob and a shiver runs down my arms. when i yell its worse. my head starts feeling like theres liquid fire and i am shaking inside and out. when i yell it hurts my voice and then i start crying.... which i hate. and thats why i dont try to yell. i also try to have everyone else not yell, but thats near to impossible. they yell to tell everyone its time for dinner or that mom wants you or to shut up. but i guess lifes like that.

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