Thursday, September 22, 2011

eighth entry: something that cuaght youre eye today...

today i was having lunch as usual, sitting alone, when the group that called me over yesterday well, called me over again. i said sure as usual and sat down. i ate my lunch and listened to their conversations. it was all crazy and weird as usual, when all of a sudden one of the guys (lets call him poem man- you'll find out soon why) any ways poem man said " you do know you are all my freshman right? " i stared at him and thought what?  what do you mean you're freshmen? When the other guy (his name is now bob) said  " but I'm a sophomore," poem man said jokingly " you're a freshman" then bob says " you're a freshman!" they keep going on like this when poem man says " you're a jerk." then it stopped and poem man talked about how that always stopped an argument and stuff. i sat there listening smiling and laughing 'at something funny. then most of them got finished eating and left. it was just me 2 girls and poem man. now i will tell you why i called him poem man. he said he would be right back and left. when he came back he had a little binder with him. he asked us what type of poem we wanted. the girl next to me and i said depressing and the other girl said i dont know. he gave us a happy poem. i read it and smiled. it was really good. i told him this and he luaghed and said no and it was a peice of crap. i smiled cuase it reminds me of myself cause i dont think my art is any good. but youre youre own worst critic. but that what i noticed today. his poems. cuase they are truley amazing.

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